

python Programming Glossary: students

Named regular expression group “(?P<group_name>regexp)”: what does “P” stand for?


. I would love to get ideas about how to help my students remember this syntax. Knowing what P does stand for or might..

How to set up Django models with two types of users with very different attributes


just stick all of the information for businesses and students in the UserProfile table and just differentiate the two with.. this all in the built in User object. Since businesses and students also have different interfaces I'm seriously considering setting.. MyProject MyProject project folder Django 1.4 mainsite students businesses One of my biggest concerns is with the Django Admin...

Parameterized queries with psycopg2 / Python DB-API and PostgreSQL


python csv into dictionary


11s tuple reader.next # read header line from csv print 45 students list map Student reader # read all remaining lines for student.. Student reader # read all remaining lines for student in students print 14s 10s 5s 3s student.get # Printing all sports that are.. 3s student.get # Printing all sports that are specified by students for s in set Student.sports # class attribute print s Student.sports.count..

Tutorial for Python - Should I use 2.x or 3.0? [closed]


Thats not to mention how disappointing it will be for your students to learn that python 3 is not installed on their Linux computer..

python list in sql query as parameter


'.join placeholder for unused in l query 'SELECT name FROM students WHERE id IN s ' placeholders cursor.execute query l share..

Simple wrapping of C code with cython


f.so a dynamic lib that python import f will load. For students I'd suggest make a diagram of these steps look through the files..

Which game scripting language is better to use: Lua or Python? [closed]


their programs and people who teach it report that students are more successful because there is less syntactic clutter..

Practical example of Polymorphism


ten bucks or do the dishes You see millionares and grad students are both persons. But when it comes to paying a bill their specific..

GUI development with IronPython and Visual Studio 2010


and have found that the least overwhelming solution for students new to programming is to use Visual Studio for GUI development... couldn't find a convenient way i.e. comprehensible to the students in which the GUI elements could be accessed. For example with.. could do with IronPython which I don't plan to show to the students is the following import wpf from System.Windows import Application..

Is it ever useful to use Python's input over raw_input?


over raw_input I currently teach first year university students python and I was surprised to learn that the seemingly innocuous.. the seemingly innocuous input function that some of my students had decided to use and were confused by the odd behaviour was..

Django App Dependency Cycle


models it models a university courses modules lectures students etc. I have separated the project into apps to make the whole.. doesn't make sense for example to use ContentTypes to link students to a module. Does anyone have a similar project that could comment..