

python Programming Glossary: studies

Iteration over list slices


more from this question than from a month of my university studies. I am choosing the OO answer because it will allow me more flexibility..

Simple multi layer neural network implementation [closed]


adventure with machine learning during last 2 years of my studies . I have read a lot of books and written a lot of code with..

“”.join(reversed(val)) vs val[::-1]…which is pythonic?


bow to her and her long experience in training c and studies in human psychology c when it comes to judging what's easy and..

Are there statistical studies that indicates that Python is “more productive”?


there statistical studies that indicates that Python is &ldquo more productive&rdquo .. be more productive of something else. I'm interested in studies that measures that the use of something is related or not related.. improve this question Yes and there are also statistical studies that prove that dogs are more productive than cats. Both are..

How to localize Content of a Django application


Hey i am currently working on a django app for my studies and came to the point of l18n. Localizing the site itself was..