

python Programming Glossary: stringio

Can I redirect the stdout in python into some sort of string buffer?


stdout redirect share improve this question from cStringIO import StringIO import sys old_stdout sys.stdout sys.stdout.. share improve this question from cStringIO import StringIO import sys old_stdout sys.stdout sys.stdout mystdout StringIO.. import sys old_stdout sys.stdout sys.stdout mystdout StringIO # blah blah lots of code ... sys.stdout old_stdout # examine..

html to pdf for a Django site


is an usage example First define this function import cStringIO as StringIO import ho.pisa as pisa from django.template.loader.. example First define this function import cStringIO as StringIO import ho.pisa as pisa from django.template.loader import get_template.. Context context_dict html template.render context result StringIO.StringIO pdf pisa.pisaDocument StringIO.StringIO html.encode..

Python - How do I pass a string into subprocess.Popen (using the stdin argument)?


argument If I do the following import subprocess from cStringIO import StringIO subprocess.Popen 'grep' 'f' stdout subprocess.PIPE.. I do the following import subprocess from cStringIO import StringIO subprocess.Popen 'grep' 'f' stdout subprocess.PIPE stdin StringIO.. subprocess.Popen 'grep' 'f' stdout subprocess.PIPE stdin StringIO 'one ntwo nthree nfour nfive nsix n' .communicate 0 I get Traceback..

Python snippet to remove C and C++ comments


be used using the following code import subprocess from cStringIO import StringIO input StringIO source_code # source_code is.. the following code import subprocess from cStringIO import StringIO input StringIO source_code # source_code is a string with the.. import subprocess from cStringIO import StringIO input StringIO source_code # source_code is a string with the source code...

Does python urllib2 will automaticly uncompress gzip data from fetch webpage


checks if the content is gzipped and decompresses it from StringIO import StringIO import gzip request urllib2.Request 'http example.com.. is gzipped and decompresses it from StringIO import StringIO import gzip request urllib2.Request 'http example.com ' request.add_header.. if response.info .get 'Content Encoding' 'gzip' buf StringIO response.read f gzip.GzipFile fileobj buf data f.read share..

Load module from string in python


of it without writing to disk. When I try using imp and a StringIO object to do this I get imp.load_source 'my_module' '' StringIO.. object to do this I get imp.load_source 'my_module' '' StringIO 'print hello world ' Traceback most recent call last File stdin.. 3 must be file not instance imp.load_module 'my_module' StringIO 'print hello world ' '' '' '' 0 Traceback most recent call last..

Python - Help using pdfminer as a library


TextConverter from pdfminer.layout import LAParams from cStringIO import StringIO def convert_pdf path rsrcmgr PDFResourceManager.. from pdfminer.layout import LAParams from cStringIO import StringIO def convert_pdf path rsrcmgr PDFResourceManager retstr StringIO.. def convert_pdf path rsrcmgr PDFResourceManager retstr StringIO codec 'utf 8' laparams LAParams device TextConverter rsrcmgr..

Convert SVG to PNG in Python


to png in Python I am storing the svg in an instance of StringIO . Should I use the pyCairo library How do I write that code..

Generating file to download with Django


If you don't want the file on disk you need to use StringIO import cStringIO as StringIO myfile StringIO.StringIO while.. want the file on disk you need to use StringIO import cStringIO as StringIO myfile StringIO.StringIO while not_finished # generate.. file on disk you need to use StringIO import cStringIO as StringIO myfile StringIO.StringIO while not_finished # generate chunk..