

python Programming Glossary: structured

Adding a field to a structured numpy array


a field to a structured numpy array What is the cleanest way to add a field to a structured.. numpy array What is the cleanest way to add a field to a structured numpy array Can it be done destructively or is it necessary..

How to implement server push in Flask framework?


is a simple message blank line If you want to exchange structured data just dump your data as json and send the json over the..

Python: Memory leak debugging


KB That doesn't sum to 4G nor really give me any big data structured to go fix. The unicode is from a set of done nodes and the list's..

Differences between Framework and non-Framework builds of Python on Mac OS X


Connection Framework Definition A framework is a bundle a structured directory that contains a dynamic shared library along with..

Find unique rows in numpy.array


share improve this question Another option to the use of structured arrays is using a view of a void type that joins the whole row..

How are exceptions implemented under the hood?


in e.g. CommonLisp and Ioke continuations a more structured form of GOTO popular in high level higher order languages coroutines..

What's the best way to grab/parse command line arguments passed to a Python script?


optparse while being a bit more verbose is much better structured and simpler to extend later on. Here's a typical line to add..

sorting arrays in numpy by column


you'll need to view your array as an array with fields a structured array . The correct way is quite ugly if you didn't initially..

Why are scripting languages (e.g. Perl, Python, Ruby) not suitable as shell languages? [closed]


as well as via command arguments is done with untyped unstructured strings. In PowerShell it's all strongly typed structured objects... strings. In PowerShell it's all strongly typed structured objects. This is so incredibly powerful that I seriously wonder.. go away in PowerShell because the cmdlets exchange structured objects instead of unstructured text. And if you look inside..

Accessing the name that an object being created is assigned to


familiarize myself with python internals. I have it structured as a class decorator so that all instances of that class will..

Python mechanize login to website


the TCP stream with Wireshark the POST data is indeed structured the way it should. However it seems that mechanize is messing..

Is there a label/goto in Python?


twisted conch filetransfer


data to callbacks and it offers methods which accept structured Python objects formats those objects as the right bytes and..

Python multiprocessing: sharing a large read-only object between processes?


1 reads your original gigantic object and writes a page structured byte coded file using seek operations to assure that individual.. a seek . Spawn workers with access this this large page structured file. Each worker can seek to the relevant parts and do their..

Django vs other Python web frameworks?


CrudRestController RestController TurboGears provides a structured way to handle services in your controller. Providing you the..

exporting from/importing to numpy, scipy in SQLite and HDF5 formats


using these together with numpy arrays or data tables structured record arrays and which of these most seamlessly integrate with..

How can I enumerate/list all installed applications in Windows XP?


Uninstall more info about how the registry tree is structured can be found here . You need to use the winreg API in python..

How to save a Python interactive session?


files etc basically a lot of manual formatting of semi structured data. I don't properly save and clean up the useful bits as..