

python Programming Glossary: strides

Efficient Numpy 2D array construction from 1D array


useful . The basic trick is to directly manipulate the strides of the array For one dimensional arrays import numpy as np def.. as np def rolling a window shape a.size window 1 window strides a.itemsize a.itemsize return np.lib.stride_tricks.as_strided.. return np.lib.stride_tricks.as_strided a shape shape strides strides a np.arange 10 print rolling a 3 Where a is your input..

Using strides for an efficient moving average filter


strides for an efficient moving average filter I recently learned about.. efficient moving average filter I recently learned about strides in the answer to this post and was wondering how I could use.. numpy.lib.stride_tricks.as_strided a shape a.size filtsize strides a.itemsize a.itemsize for i in range 0 filtsize 1 if i 0 b numpy.roll..

Django vs other Python web frameworks?


at TG2. I think people have failed to notice some of the strides that have been made since the last version. Aside from the growing..