

python Programming Glossary: string.maketrans

How do I get str.translate to work with Unicode strings?


not_letters_or_digits u' # ' . @ ^_` ~' translate_table string.maketrans not_letters_or_digits translate_to len not_letters_or_digits..

How to identify binary and text files using Python? [duplicate]


.join map chr range 32 127 list n r t b _null_trans string.maketrans if not s # Empty files are considered text return True if 0..

Python: removing characters except digits from string


method x 'aaa12333bb445bb54b5b52' import string all string.maketrans '' '' nodigs all.translate all string.digits x.translate all.. all string.digits x.translate all nodigs '1233344554552' string.maketrans makes a translation table a string of length 256 which in this.. is impressive... python mtimeit s'import string all string.maketrans nodig all.translate all string.digits x aaa12333bb445bb54b5b52..

Caesar's Cipher using python, could use a little help


kaizer.se's answer but I think I can simplify it using the string.maketrans function import string first raw_input Please enter Plaintext.. k string.ascii_lowercase k translation_table string.maketrans string.ascii.lowercase shifted_lowercase print first.translate..

Best way to strip punctuation from a string in Python


string. With. Punctuation # Sample string out s.translate string.maketrans string.punctuation Is there python string share improve this.. With. Punctuation exclude set string.punctuation table string.maketrans regex re.compile ' s ' re.escape string.punctuation def test_set..

Short rot13 function


solution import string #fixed typo was using rot13 string.maketrans ABCDEFGHIJKLMabcdefghijklmNOPQRSTUVWXYZnopqrstuvwxyz NOPQRSTUVWXYZnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMabcdefghijklm..

Remove specific characters from a string in python


to pass in place of None import string line line.translate string.maketrans '' '' ' @# ' Here string.maketrans is used to create a translation.. line line.translate string.maketrans '' '' ' @# ' Here string.maketrans is used to create a translation table which is just a string.. as the first parameter or even a translation table from string.maketrans . Instead you pass a dictionary as the only parameter. This..

Letter frequency in python


Perkins Raymond Hettinger if len to 1 to to len frm trans string.maketrans frm to if keep is not None allchars string.maketrans '' '' #.. trans string.maketrans frm to if keep is not None allchars string.maketrans '' '' # delete is expanded to delete everything except # what..

decode base64 like string with different index table(s)


s s.translate string.maketrans my_base64chars std_base64chars data base64.b64decode s It isn't..

What is the most efficient way in Python to convert a string to all lowercase stripping out all non-ascii alpha characters?


string.ascii_lowercase string.ascii_uppercase tab string.maketrans string.ascii_lowercase string.ascii_uppercase string.ascii_lowercase..

In Python, How Do You Filter a String Such That Only Characters in Your List Are Returned?


characters and or delete them. import string delete_table string.maketrans string.ascii_lowercase ' ' len string.ascii_lowercase table.. ' ' len string.ascii_lowercase table string.maketrans '' '' Agh# # 2341 zdrkfd .translate table delete_table In python.. need the second table anymore import string delete_table string.maketrans string.ascii_lowercase ' ' len string.ascii_lowercase Agh# #..