python Programming Glossary: string.digits
Python simulate keydown qwertyuiop asdfghjkl 'zxcvbnm . ORDER string.ascii_letters string.digits ' b r t' ALTER dict zip ' @# ^ ' '1234567890' OTHER '`' VK_OEM_3..
web2py url validator rand_url ''.join random.choice string.ascii_uppercase string.digits string.ascii_lowercase for x in range 6 input_url url except..
Python time limit score 0 number 0 c random.choice string.ascii_lowercase string.digits print c number number 1 response input Type a letter or a number.. a random character c random.choice string.ascii_lowercase string.digits print c response input Type a letter or a number #get the user's..
Python: removing characters except digits from string string all string.maketrans '' '' nodigs all.translate all string.digits x.translate all nodigs '1233344554552' string.maketrans makes.. string all string.maketrans nodig all.translate all string.digits x aaa12333bb445bb54b5b52 ' 'x.translate all nodig ' 1000000.. characters import string class Del def __init__ self keep string.digits self.comp dict ord c c for c in keep def __getitem__ self k..
python random string generation with upper case letters and digits in one line ''.join random.choice string.ascii_uppercase string.digits for x in range N In details with a clean function for further.. def id_generator size 6 chars string.ascii_uppercase string.digits ... return ''.join random.choice chars for x in range size ..... that deals with random generation. string.ascii_uppercase string.digits just concatenates the list of characters representing uppercase..
convert integer to a string in a given numeric base in python use Python code e.g. most simply import string digs string.digits string.lowercase def int2base x base if x 0 sign 1 elif x 0..
Turn a string into a valid filename in Python import string valid_chars _. s s string.ascii_letters string.digits valid_chars ' _. abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789'..
Generating random text strings of a given pattern import random import string digits .join random.choice string.digits for i in xrange 8 chars .join random.choice string.letters for..
Will python SystemRandom / os.urandom always have enough entropy for good crypto foo random.SystemRandom length 64 chars string.letters string.digits return ''.join foo.choice chars for _ in xrange length According..
How to convert an integer to the shortest url-safe string in Python? ALPHABET string.ascii_uppercase string.ascii_lowercase string.digits ' _' ALPHABET_REVERSE dict c i for i c in enumerate ALPHABET.. the human readibility of the base 64 numbers by putting string.digits first in the alphabet and making the sign character ' ' I chose..
call up an EDITOR (vim) from a python script ' tmp up.' ''.join random.choice string.ascii_uppercase string.digits for x in range 6 edit_call vim tmp_file edit subprocess.Popen..
What's the most efficient way to find one of several substrings in Python? def main args words letters_and_digits s s string.letters string.digits for i in range 2000 chars for j in range 10 chars.append random.choice..