

python Programming Glossary: string.split

Convert tab-delimited txt file into a csv file using Python


a csv file. If I convert the txt file into a string using string.split ' n' I get a list with each list item as a string with ' t'.. open csv_file 'wb' file_string in_txt.read file_list file_string.split ' n' for row in ec_file_list out_csv.writerow row python csv..

How to get user input during a while loop without blocking


import time string the fox jumped over the lazy dog words string.split i 0 while 1 os.system clear print words i time.sleep 1 i 1 i..

How do I split a mult-line string into multiple lines?


are deprecated and should be avoided import string string.split inputString ' n' # 'Line 1' 'Line 2' 'Line 3' Alternatively..

Reading utf-8 characters from a gzip file in python


'file.gz' 'r' engines line f.readline while line parsed string.split line u' u0001' #do some things... line f.readline for en in..

Convert string to list. Python [string.split() acting weird]


string to list. Python string.split acting weird temp 'a' 'b' 'c' print type temp #string output..

Singleton python generator? Or, pickle a python generator?


in open HYPERPARAMETERS TRAIN_SENTENCES prevwords for w in string.split l w string.strip w id None prevwords.append wordmap.id w if..

os.walk() python: xml representation of a directory structure, recursion


os.walk directory for root dirs files in tree pathName string.split directory os.sep xmlOutput dir name CDATA pathName.pop name..

Decimal place issues with floats and decimal.Decimal


lines f.readlines f.close j 0 for line in lines bits string.split line ' ' s for i in range len bits if i len bits 1 s.append..

'METHODNAME' as Client method versus irc_'METHODNAME' in twisted


prefix params Called when a user joins a channel. nick string.split prefix ' ' 0 channel params 1 if nick self.nickname self.joined..

Is there a generator version of `string.split()` in Python?


there a generator version of `string.split ` in Python string.split returns a list instance. Is there.. there a generator version of `string.split ` in Python string.split returns a list instance. Is there a version that returns a generator..

Split by comma and strip whitespace in Python


piece of code string blah lots of spaces here mylist string.split ' ' print mylist 'blah' ' lots ' ' of ' ' spaces' ' here ' I.. my_string blah lots of spaces here x.strip for x in my_string.split ' ' See Python docs on List Comprehension A good 2 second explanation..

Standard python interpreter has a vi command mode?


partial list unpack in python


way looks kinda long a b None if in string a b string.split else a string python share improve this question # this..

Supressing namespace prefixes in ElementTree 1.2


isinstance tag etree.QName tag tag.text namespace_uri tag string.split tag 1 1 prefix namespaces.get namespace_uri if namespace_uri..

Whats the difference between Python decorators and Decorator Pattern?


@decorator def decorated_function string print ' '.join string.split ' ' class Class object def __init__ self pass def something_useful.. wrapped def something_useful self string string ' '.join string.split ' ' return self.wrapped .something_useful string @method_decorator..