python Programming Glossary: strips
Downloading text files with Python and ftplib.FTP from z/os in text mode provides the record endings which retrlines strips off. Closing update Here's my revised solution which will be..
how to add http headers to a packet sniffed using scapy .load 2 Raw.load load New Header value r n r n But this strips all of the previously existing headers and only the New Header..
python optparse, how to include additional info in usage output? epilog otherstuff The default format_epilog strips the newlines uses textwrap so you would need to override format_epilog.. is to use textwrap.fill which amongst other things strips the newlines from the epilog. Since we want the newlines to..
How can I remove (chomp) a newline in Python? n'.rstrip 'test string' Note that Python's rstrip method strips all kinds of whitespace by default not just newlines as Perl..
Pretty-printing of numpy.array zeros from being stripped from the end of floats NumPy strips zeros from the end of floats by default. Unfortunately it does..
Python argparse: How to insert newline the help text? n d delta n e epsilon parser.parse_args However argparse strips all newlines and consecutive spaces. The result looks like ~..
How to get cursor from mqlread() when using Freebase API? game' u'id' u' en cities_and_knights_of_catan' ... Which strips out code and cursor . How can I get the cursor python json..
some Numpy functions return ndarray instead of my subclass of fft and log10 I can see that they use asarray which strips the subclass and returns an ndarray explaining the behavior...
How to display “x days ago” type time using Humanize in Django template? same output you mentioned above. The following filter just strips the second part after the comma from datetime import datetime..
Securely Erasing Password in Memory (Python) in various string operations by the getpass module when it strips the trailing newline off of the inputted password by the imaplib..