

python Programming Glossary: struct.calcsize

How do I determine if my python shell is executing in 32bit or 64bit mode on OS X?


Python 2 and 3 releases python 32 c 'import struct print 8 struct.calcsize P ' 32 python 64 c 'import struct print 8 struct.calcsize P.. struct.calcsize P ' 32 python 64 c 'import struct print 8 struct.calcsize P ' 64 BTW you might be tempted to use platform.architecture..

Get hard disk serial number using Python on Linux


0x030d # How big a buffer do we need sizeof_hd_driveid struct.calcsize hd_driveid_format_str # ensure our format string is the correct..

Detect inserted USB on Windows


lparam if lparam 0 return None hdr_format iii hdr_size struct.calcsize hdr_format hdr_buf win32gui.PyGetMemory lparam hdr_size size.. fmt hdr_format 16s _ _ _ guid_bytes struct.unpack fmt buf struct.calcsize fmt extra 'classguid' pywintypes.IID guid_bytes True extra 'name'.. guid_bytes True extra 'name' ctypes.wstring_at lparam struct.calcsize fmt else raise NotImplementedError unknown device type d devtype..

python: use windows api to render text using a ttf font


hdc bitmap_handle width height bmpheader struct.pack LHHHH struct.calcsize LHHHH width height 1 24 #w h planes 1 bitcount c_bmpheader..

auto-repeat flag in a pack format string


try return struct.unpack fmt astr except struct.error flen struct.calcsize fmt.replace ' ' '' alen len astr idx fmt.find ' ' before_char.. astr idx fmt.find ' ' before_char fmt idx 1 n alen flen struct.calcsize before_char 1 fmt ''.join fmt idx 1 str n before_char fmt idx..

Windows Authentication with Python and urllib2


i len m s.send m def _get_msg s size_data s.recv struct.calcsize i if not size_data return None cb struct.unpack i size_data..