

python Programming Glossary: string.ascii_letters

Python simulate keydown


`1234567890 qwertyuiop asdfghjkl 'zxcvbnm . ORDER string.ascii_letters string.digits ' b r t' ALTER dict zip ' @# ^ ' '1234567890'..

How can I generate all possible strings in a defined character set?


from itertools import product import string charSet string.ascii_letters string.digits for wordchars in product charSet repeat 4 print..

Explain Python .join()


I try strid repr 595 print array.array 'c' random.sample string.ascii_letters 20 len strid .tostring .join strid and get something like 5wlfgALGbXOahekxSs9wlfgALGbXOahekxSs5..

An equivalent to string.ascii_letters for unicode strings in python 2.x?


equivalent to string.ascii_letters for unicode strings in python 2.x In the string module of the.. python 2.x In the string module of the standard library string.ascii_letters ## Same as string.ascii_lowercase string.ascii_uppercase is..

Generate a random letter in Python


according to the current locale if that's not acceptable string.ascii_letters will probably do the trick. random.choice returns a single random..

Turn a string into a valid filename in Python


be a lot more complex. import string valid_chars _. s s string.ascii_letters string.digits valid_chars ' _. abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789'..

Reversing a regular expression in python


1 0 elif node 0 'in' if node 1 0 0 'negate' letters list string.ascii_letters for part in node 1 1 if part 0 'literal' letters.remove chr..

High quality, simple random password generator


way to do this import os random string length 13 chars string.ascii_letters string.digits ' @# ^ ' random.seed os.urandom 1024 print ''.join..

removing accent and special characters [duplicate]


x for x in unicodedata.normalize 'NFKD' data if x in string.ascii_letters .lower Using NFKD AFAIK is the standard way to normalize unicode.. origianated from normalization you can simply compare with string.ascii_letters and remove any character's not in that set. share improve this..