

python Programming Glossary: string.letters

Generate a random letter in Python


3.x share improve this question Simple import string string.letters 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ' import.. import random random.choice string.letters 'j' string.letters returns a string containing the lower case.. import random random.choice string.letters 'j' string.letters returns a string containing the lower case and upper case letters..

Generating random text strings of a given pattern


string.digits for i in xrange 8 chars .join random.choice string.letters for i in xrange 15 print digits chars EDIT liked the idea of.. list comprehension to read chars .join random.choice string.letters 26 for i in xrange 15 Obviously for uppercase only you can just..

Python: print a generator expression?


shell if I enter a list comprehension such as x for x in string.letters if x in y for y in BigMan on campus I get a nicely printed result.. expression I get not such a friendly response x for x in string.letters if x in y for y in BigMan on campus generator object genexpr.. brackets around it. So yeah you can do list x for x in string.letters if x in y for y in BigMan on campus But you can just as well..

Will python SystemRandom / os.urandom always have enough entropy for good crypto


def gen_pass foo random.SystemRandom length 64 chars string.letters string.digits return ''.join foo.choice chars for _ in xrange..

Random strings in Python 2.6 (Is this OK?)


Typically I see something similar to ''.join random.choice string.letters for i in xrange len It sucks if you want to generate long string...

What's the most efficient way to find one of several substrings in Python?


import sys def main args words letters_and_digits s s string.letters string.digits for i in range 2000 chars for j in range 10 chars.append..