python Programming Glossary: strng
php's strtr for python A naive attempt to write the same in python def strtr strng replace for s r in replace.items strng strng.replace s r return.. in python def strtr strng replace for s r in replace.items strng strng.replace s r return strng strtr 'aa bb cc' 'aa' 'bbz' 'bb'.. def strtr strng replace for s r in replace.items strng strng.replace s r return strng strtr 'aa bb cc' 'aa' 'bbz' 'bb' 'x'..
Python string 'join' is faster(?) than '+', but what's wrong here? q # 108.60377576499991 That means it shows that strng strng dyn_strng is the fastest. Though the difference in times.. q # 108.60377576499991 That means it shows that strng strng dyn_strng is the fastest. Though the difference in times are.. That means it shows that strng strng dyn_strng is the fastest. Though the difference in times are not that..