

python Programming Glossary: string's

how to convert two lists into a dictionary (one list is the keys and the other is the values)?


in an orderly manner. Well data and otro it's list with 38 string's as for dik it's an dictionary. for i in range len otro 1 dik..

Convert raw byte string to Unicode without knowing the codepage beforehand


it into unicode . That would be easy if we'd known the raw string's encoding beforehand In the example it is cp1255 . However I..

What's the fastest way to strip and replace a document of high unicode characters using Python?


that you wish translated then you may have to use the string's translate method to manually fix these problems. Another option..

Pythonic way to insert every 2 elements in a string


python string share improve this question Assume the string's length is always an even number s '12345678' t iter s ' '.join..

Under what circumstances are __rmul__ called?


print nom 3 print 3 nom In the first case Python calls the string's __mul__ method. The string knows how to multiply itself by an.. by a string so its __mul __ returns NotImplemented and the string's __rmul __ is called. It knows what to do and you get the same.. case. Now we can see that __rmul __ allows all of the string's special multiplication behavior to be contained in the str class..

Checking if a string's characters are ascending alphabetically and its ascent is evenly spaced python


if a string's characters are ascending alphabetically and its ascent is evenly.. its ascent is evenly spaced python So need to check if a string's characters are ascending alphabetically and if that ascent is..