

python Programming Glossary: maxsize

memoization library for python 2.7


. Simple usage from repoze.lru import lru_cache @lru_cache maxsize 500 def fib n if n 2 return n return fib n 1 fib n 2 share..

Threading in Gtk python


def __init__ self self._task_id 0 self._queue Queue maxsize 100 #NOTE GUI blocks if queue is full for _ in range 9 t threading.Thread..

How can I tail a log file in Python?


import threading Queue subprocess tailq Queue.Queue maxsize 10 # buffer at most 100 lines def tail_forever fn p subprocess.Popen..

Python Requests requests.exceptions.SSLError: [Errno 8] _ssl.c:504: EOF occurred in violation of protocol


HTTPAdapter def init_poolmanager self connections maxsize block False self.poolmanager PoolManager num_pools connections.. False self.poolmanager PoolManager num_pools connections maxsize maxsize block block ssl_version ssl.PROTOCOL_TLSv1 When.. PoolManager num_pools connections maxsize maxsize block block ssl_version ssl.PROTOCOL_TLSv1 When you've done..

Why are uncompiled, repeatedly used regexes so much slower in Python 3?


the cache has been replaced by the @functools.lru_cache maxsize 500 typed True decorator . This decorator does much more work..

pythonic format for indices


the full parser for a combined format from sys import maxsize as INF def indices s 'string with indices list' 'indices generator'..

How check if a task is already in python Queue?


uses set internally class SetQueue Queue def _init self maxsize self.maxsize maxsize self.queue set def _put self item self.queue.add.. class SetQueue Queue def _init self maxsize self.maxsize maxsize self.queue set def _put self item self.queue.add item.. class SetQueue Queue def _init self maxsize self.maxsize maxsize self.queue set def _put self item self.queue.add item def _get..

Why does the expression 0 < 0 == 0 return False in Python?


False otherwise not reliable . self.mutex.acquire n 0 self.maxsize self._qsize self.mutex.release return n If maxsize is 0 the.. 0 self.maxsize self._qsize self.mutex.release return n If maxsize is 0 the queue is never full. My question is how does it work..

Tkinter: Wait for item in queue


top.after 100 on_after_elapsed top Tk.Tk dataQ Queue.Queue maxsize 0 f Font family 'Courier New' size 12 scrText ScrolledText master..

Maximum value for long integer


that Long integers have unlimited precision . maxint and maxsize The maximum value of an int can be found in Python 2.x with.. 2.x with sys.maxint . It was removed in Python 3 but sys.maxsize can often be used instead. From the changelog The sys.maxint.. is no longer a limit to the value of integers. However sys.maxsize can be used as an integer larger than any practical list or..

Turn functions with a callback into Python generators?


the producer so a new iteration can start Note that maxsize 1 is not necessary since no new item will be added to the queue.. raises an exception if put blocks for too long q Queue maxsize 1 # Producer def my_callback x q.put x q.put dummy True timeout..

How to implement Priority Queues in Python?


not find how to implement it. class Queue.PriorityQueue maxsize 0 Link 2 Heap Implementation http docs.python.org library heapq.html..