

python Programming Glossary: max_width

Writing nicely formatted text in Python


of all filenames first then you could do something like max_width max len filename for filename in filenames for filename in filenames.. filenames for filename in filenames f.write filename.ljust max_width 1 ..whatever else.. If you can't get a list of all filenames..

Render anti-aliased text on transparent surface in pygame


around text def render_message messages surfaces height 0 max_width 0 for message in messages.split ' n' surf FONT.render message.. surf height surf.get_height 5 if surf.get_width max_width max_width surf.get_width result pygame.Surface max_width height.. surf height surf.get_height 5 if surf.get_width max_width max_width surf.get_width result pygame.Surface max_width height result.fill..