

python Programming Glossary: maximize

Algorithm (prob. solving) achieving fastest runtime


the population. The objective function which we want to maximize is def revenue i return sum pop min i j 4 L 4 L i j 4 L for..

python: Help to implement an algorithm to find the minimum-area-rectangle for given points in order to compute the major and minor axis length


test for as an example with mx my 1 0 mostfar will try to maximize rx where rx is the rotated x of a point thus finding the leftmost..

Dimension Reduction in Categorical Data with missing values


Analysis which will give you the latent variables that maximize the homogeneity of the clusters. Similarly to what is done in..

Removing minimize/maximize buttons in Tkinter


minimize maximize buttons in Tkinter I have a python program which opens a new.. and I have made it non resizeable. However the buttons to maximize and minimize it are still there and I want them gone. I am using.. as tk root tk.Tk root.title wm min max # this removes the maximize button root.resizable 0 0 # # if on MS Windows this might do..

Fitting data to distributions?


Maximum likelihood means the values of the parameters that maximize the probability of generating my input data. Maximum likelihood.. algorithm for finding the values of the parameters which maximize the probability of generating the input data and for some distributions.. to multiplying the probabilities. The likelihood is maximized as the log likelihood approaches 0 and thus more negative numbers..

Library or tool to download multiple files in parallel [closed]


Preferably it should take advantage of http keep alive to maximize the transfer speed. Please don't suggest how I may go about..