

python Programming Glossary: maxlen

python arbitrarily incrementing an iterator inside a loop


entirely.''' collections.deque itertools.islice iterator n maxlen 0 Here's a quick readable example on how it works Python 2.5..

Comparing characters in a string sequentially in Python


of the string. If the counter becomes greater than the maxlen variable then add one to maxlen Or make maxlen sublen . My attempt.. becomes greater than the maxlen variable then add one to maxlen Or make maxlen sublen . My attempt so far is And I think it.. than the maxlen variable then add one to maxlen Or make maxlen sublen . My attempt so far is And I think it is working s 'vzcbotdebobeggglakyl'..

MySQL “incorrect string value” error when save unicode string in Django


Name Bytes Char UTF8 1 4 Is it means unicode char has maxlen of 4 bytes in PostgreSQL but 3 bytes in MySQL which caused above..

Stop reading process output in Python without hang?


the process output number_of_lines 200 q collections.deque maxlen number_of_lines # atomic .append t threading.Thread target read_output.. the process output number_of_lines 200 q collections.deque maxlen number_of_lines for line in iter process.stdout.readline q.append.. number_of_lines 200 q collections.deque process.stdout maxlen number_of_lines timer.cancel # print saved lines print ''.join..

using pyOpenSSL to create urllib custom opener


s' cert.get_subject return ok def password_callback maxlen verify extra print maxlen verify extra return settings.DEPOSIT_CODE.. return ok def password_callback maxlen verify extra print maxlen verify extra return settings.DEPOSIT_CODE context SSL.Context.. s' cert.get_subject return ok def password_callback maxlen verify extra print maxlen verify extra return settings.DEPOSIT_CODE..

Python, forcing a list to a fixed size


You might want to use a collections.deque object with the maxlen constructor argument instead l collections.deque maxlen 5 l.append.. maxlen constructor argument instead l collections.deque maxlen 5 l.append 'apple' l.append 'orange' l.append 'grape' l.append.. print l deque 'apple' 'orange' 'grape' 'banana' 'mango' maxlen 5 l.append 'kiwi' print l deque 'orange' 'grape' 'banana' 'mango'..