

python Programming Glossary: max_time

Python time limit


TO BE INTERRUPTED IN PROGRESS AS SOON AS THE TIME ELAPSES. max_time 30 start_time time.time # remember when we started while time.time.. # remember when we started while time.time start_time max_time response a # the variable that will hold the user's response.. the user's response if response c and time.time start_time max_time # if the response from the previous loop matches the character..

Use mechanize to log into megaupload


br.set_handle_refresh mechanize._http.HTTPRefreshProcessor max_time 1 # User Agent this is cheating ok br.addheaders 'User agent'..

Using Python and Mechanize to submit form data and authenticate


br.set_handle_refresh mechanize._http.HTTPRefreshProcessor max_time 1 #Opens the site to be navigated r br.open 'http www.reddit.com'.. br.set_handle_refresh mechanize._http.HTTPRefreshProcessor max_time 1 r br.open 'http www.reddit.com' # Select the second index..

How to properly use mechanize to scrape AJAX sites


br.set_handle_refresh mechanize._http.HTTPRefreshProcessor max_time 1 br.addheaders 'User agent' 'Mozilla 5.0 Windows U Windows..