

python Programming Glossary: max_digits

Determine precision and scale of particular number in Python


the complete code. import math def precision_and_scale x max_digits 14 int_part int abs x magnitude 1 if int_part 0 else int math.log10.. if int_part 0 else int math.log10 int_part 1 if magnitude max_digits return magnitude 0 frac_part abs x int_part multiplier 10 max_digits.. return magnitude 0 frac_part abs x int_part multiplier 10 max_digits magnitude frac_digits multiplier int multiplier frac_part 0.5..

django model polymorphism with proxy inheritance


models.PositiveIntegerField value models.DecimalField max_digits 4 decimal_places 2 type models.CharField max_length 1 choices..

Can a Django model field's default value be defined by a function dependent on a foreign parent model?


Job overridableFee models.DecimalField default job.get_fee max_digits 7 decimal_places 2 #gives... #AttributeError 'ForeignKey' object.. overridableFee models.DecimalField default self.set_fee max_digits 7 decimal_places 2 def set_fee self overridableFee 2 self.job.veryImportant.. models.ForeignKey Job overridableFee models.DecimalField max_digits 7 decimal_places 2 def __init__ self args kwargs self.overridableFee..