php Programming Glossary: pdfinfo
Get the number of pages in a PDF document this question A simple command line executable called pdfinfo . It is downloadable for Linux and Windows here . You download.. programs. Extract it somewhere. One of those files is pdfinfo or pdfinfo.exe for Windows . An example of data returned by.. Extract it somewhere. One of those files is pdfinfo or pdfinfo.exe for Windows . An example of data returned by running it..
PHP Get height and width in Pdf file proprieties I would to get it height and width in mm. So I do an exec pdfinfo ... I have this result Creator Adobe InDesign CS5 7.0.3 Producer.. have a script witch extract my info php output shell_exec pdfinfo . pdflivrelink data explode n output puts it into an array for.. Can you help me thank a lot I test this output shell_exec pdfinfo . pdflivrelink data explode n output puts it into an array for..