php Programming Glossary: pe
GeoLocation API NU Australia NZ Australia OM Asia PA North America PE South America PF Australia PG Australia PH Asia PK Asia PL Europe..
Convert XML to CSV with PHP EffectiveDate 2013 01 01 EffectiveDate Price UOM PE 462.4600 Price Pricing Pricing MaintenanceType C PriceType RET.. EffectiveDate 2013 01 01 EffectiveDate Price UOM PE 380.5500 Price Pricing Pricing MaintenanceType C PriceType WD1.. EffectiveDate 2013 01 01 EffectiveDate Price UOM PE 314.4700 Price Pricing Prices ExtendedInformation ExtendedProductInformation..
Get Version of exe via PHP numbers which are separated by . It works only for 32 bit PE files as I had no need for other formats . function GetFileVersion.. fread handle 64 if substr Header 0 2 'MZ' return FALSE PEOffset unpack V substr Header 60 4 if PEOffset 1 64 return FALSE.. 'MZ' return FALSE PEOffset unpack V substr Header 60 4 if PEOffset 1 64 return FALSE fseek handle PEOffset 1 SEEK_SET Header..
List of All Locales and Their Short Codes? es CR es DO es EC es ES es GT es HN es MX es NI es PA es PE es PR es PY es SV es US es UY es VE et EE eu ES fa IR fi FI.. IN pl PL prs AF ps AF pt BR pt PT qut GT quz BO quz EC quz PE rm CH ro RO ru RU rw RW sah RU sa IN se FI se NO se SE si LK..
Can Ruby, PHP, or Perl create a pre-compiled file for the code like Python? compiler that compiles Ruby sourcecode to CIL bytecode PE .dll or .exe files . You can deploy these just like any other..