php Programming Glossary: pathinfo_extension
limiting the checking condition while uploading swf files 'item_swf' 'tmp_name' key fileExtention pathinfo fileName PATHINFO_EXTENSION fileExtention strtolower fileExtention if fileExtention .swf..
multi image upload wrong quantity on file-upload 'image' 'error' i fileExt strtolower pathinfo fileName PATHINFO_EXTENSION Dateiendung überprüfen if in_array fileExt allowedExtensions.. fileBase PATHINFO_FILENAME fileExt pathinfo fileBase PATHINFO_EXTENSION fileTmp _FILES 'image' 'tmp_name' i Construct destination.. _FILES 'image' 'tmp_name' key fileExt pathinfo fileName PATHINFO_EXTENSION fileExt strtolower fileExt if empty fileName continue Dateiendung..
Create Image From Url Any File Type filename.' not found.' switch strtolower pathinfo filename PATHINFO_EXTENSION case 'jpeg' case 'jpg' return imagecreatefromjpeg filename break..
Unable to do File Upload in PHP fileType _FILES file type fileExt pathinfo fileName PATHINFO_EXTENSION fileExt strtolower fileExt var_dump fileExt if in_array fileExt..
How to get file extension in PHP? [duplicate]
php check file extension in upload form filename _FILES 'video_file' 'name' ext pathinfo filename PATHINFO_EXTENSION if ext 'gif' ext 'png' ext 'jpg' echo 'error' php file upload.. filename _FILES 'video_file' 'name' ext pathinfo filename PATHINFO_EXTENSION if in_array ext allowed echo 'error' share improve this answer..
How do I determine the extension(s) associated with a MIME type in PHP? types types system_extension_mime_types ext pathinfo file PATHINFO_EXTENSION if ext ext file ext strtolower ext return isset types ext types..
Get the file extension (basename?) echo path_parts 'filename' n or simply echo pathinfo file PATHINFO_EXTENSION You can of course look for the last . in the filename and get..
How to extract a file extension in PHP? few people know it. Meet pathinfo ext pathinfo filename PATHINFO_EXTENSION This is fast efficient reliable and built in. Pathinfo can give..
pathinfo vs fnmatch .' '.uniqid .' '.uniqid .' '.uniqid .'.php' if pathinfo f PATHINFO_EXTENSION 'php' d uniqid t2 microtime true t1 print pathinfo t2 n i iterations.. i iterations t1 microtime true while i 0 if pathinfo f PATHINFO_EXTENSION 'php' d uniqid t2 microtime true t1 print pathinfo t2 n i iterations..
convert image to base64 encoding in php jpg base64 ' I think that it should be type pathinfo path PATHINFO_EXTENSION data file_get_contents path base64 'data image ' . type . '..
Get the current script file name function chopExtension filename ext pathinfo filename PATHINFO_EXTENSION return preg_replace ' .' . preg_quote ext ' ' . ' ' '' filename..
PHP: Any function that return first/last N elements of an array
What's the best way/practice to get the extension of a uploaded file in PHP [duplicate] improve this question pathinfo _FILES 'File' 'name' PATHINFO_EXTENSION Use a built in function whenever possible what @Sarfraz said..
PHP Upload - Allow only jpg files 'uid' 'name' user 'FILENAME' ext pathinfo file_name PATHINFO_EXTENSION new_file_name user . '.' . ext path uploads images users . new_file_name..