php Programming Glossary: pce
Derived class defined later in the same file “does not exist”? opline 1 zval parent_name zend_class_entry pce parent_name CONSTANT fetch_class_opline op2.constant if zend_lookup_class.. Z_STRVAL_P parent_name Z_STRLEN_P parent_name pce TSRMLS_CC FAILURE CG compiler_options ZEND_COMPILE_IGNORE_INTERNAL_CLASSES.. CG compiler_options ZEND_COMPILE_IGNORE_INTERNAL_CLASSES pce type ZEND_INTERNAL_CLASS if CG compiler_options ZEND_COMPILE_DELAYED_BINDING..
Warning: preg_match(): Internal pcre_fullinfo() the PHP source where the error occurs is rc pcre_fullinfo pce re extra PCRE_INFO_CAPTURECOUNT num_subpats which uses a constant..