php Programming Glossary: payload
Verify receipt for in App purchase thing that has me slightly concerned is the length of the payload in the URL going from the app to the server via GET . I forget..
Sending multiple iphone push notifications + APNS + PHP + Tutorial . PHP_EOL echo 'Connected to APNS' . PHP_EOL Create the payload body body 'aps' array 'badge' 1 'alert' message 'sound' 'default'.. 'aps' array 'badge' 1 'alert' message 'sound' 'default' payload json_encode body Build the binary notification msg chr 0 . pack.. 0 . pack 'n' 32 . pack 'H ' deviceToken . pack 'n' strlen payload . payload Send it to the server result fwrite fp msg strlen..
Apple Push Notification Service APNS - Notifications not arriving streamContext if apns echo Connection Established br payload array payload 'aps' array 'alert' 'It works ' 'badge' 1 'sound'.. if apns echo Connection Established br payload array payload 'aps' array 'alert' 'It works ' 'badge' 1 'sound' 'default'.. array 'alert' 'It works ' 'badge' 1 'sound' 'default' payload json_encode payload apnsMessage chr 0 . chr 0 . chr 32 . pack..
PHP file_get_contents very slow when using full url would consider the page is fully loaded if the HTTP payload length reaches the length specified in the response Content..
Returning JSON from a PHP Script to not send a header or sometimes print_r the data payload to eyeball it though in most cases it shouldn't be necessary..
Seamless way to check if user likes page signed_request secret list encoded_sig payload explode '.' signed_request 2 decode the data sig base64_url_decode.. encoded_sig data json_decode base64_url_decode payload true if strtoupper data 'algorithm' 'HMAC SHA256' error_log.. return null check sig expected_sig hash_hmac 'sha256' payload secret raw true if sig expected_sig error_log 'Bad Signed JSON..
MySQL injection protection and vulnerability signs using PHP statements instead of mixing the statement and the actual payload data. see http tech resources articles 4.1 prepared..
userland multipart/form-data handler closely and efficiently. Finding the end of binary payloads would seem rather tricky to me in particular when you have.. And after a r n r n sequence the multipart payload follows like this 3wCuBwquE9P7A4OEylndVx Content Disposition..
How can I find out what Page has installed my Facebook App / which page is loading my app signed_request secret list encoded_sig payload explode '.' signed_request 2 decode the data sig base64_url_decode.. encoded_sig data json_decode base64_url_decode payload true if strtoupper data 'algorithm' 'HMAC SHA256' error_log.. return null check sig expected_sig hash_hmac 'sha256' payload secret raw true if sig expected_sig error_log 'Bad Signed JSON..
Is it important to verify that the uploaded file is an actual image file? for any occurance of php as well to prevent uploading as payload. Naturally this includes checking for phar files if inclusion..
Long Polling/HTTP Streaming General Questions or the messages may be transmitted directly inside message payload. I hope my illustration is easy to understand however message..
Connecting to WS-Security protected Web Service with PHP be SoapClient __doRequest which pre processes the XML payload before sending it to the service endpoint. But I think that..