php Programming Glossary: path_info
Portable and safe way to get PATH_INFO and safe way to get PATH_INFO I'm seeking a portable way to receive the handy _SERVER 'PATH_INFO'.. I'm seeking a portable way to receive the handy _SERVER 'PATH_INFO' variable. After reading a while it turns out PATH_INFO is originated.. 'PATH_INFO' variable. After reading a while it turns out PATH_INFO is originated from CGI 1.1 and my not always be present in all..
Enabling $_GET in codeigniter settings. The uri_protocol setting needs to be changed to PATH_INFO and the ' ' character needs to be added to the list of allowed.. URI. application config config.php config 'uri_protocol' PATH_INFO config 'permitted_uri_chars' 'a z 0 9~ . _ ' It is then possible..
URL rewriting in PHP without htaccess what file to include. preg_match '@ 1 a zA Z0 9 @' _SERVER PATH_INFO matches matches will contain all parts of the url in an array..
What exactly is PATH_INFO in PHP? exactly is PATH_INFO in PHP all external URLs look like 'module action key1 param1'... is that the first uses PHP's GET and the second uses PATH_INFO. I've seen PATH_INFO several times but still don't know what.. uses PHP's GET and the second uses PATH_INFO. I've seen PATH_INFO several times but still don't know what exactly it is php path..
PHP_SELF vs PATH_INFO vs SCRIPT_NAME vs REQUEST_URI vs PATH_INFO vs SCRIPT_NAME vs REQUEST_URI I am building a PHP application.. case it's always index.php . I can get it from REQUEST_URI PATH_INFO etc. but I'm trying to decide which will be most reliable. Does.. or know where to find the real difference between PHP_SELF PATH_INFO SCRIPT_NAME and REQUEST_URI Thanks for your help Note I've had..
How to make CodeIgniter accept “query string” URLs? in application config config.php set config 'uri_protocol' PATH_INFO Change your .htaccess to remove the if present in the rewrite..