php Programming Glossary: pcode
export mysql result to excel suburb rows i suburb city rows i city state rows i state pcode rows i pcode country rows i country date rows i date phone_b.. i suburb city rows i city state rows i state pcode rows i pcode country rows i country date rows i date phone_b rows i phone_b.. city xlsWriteNumber xlsRow 6 state xlsWriteNumber xlsRow 7 pcode xlsWriteNumber xlsRow 8 country xlsWriteNumber xlsRow 9 date..
Jquery autocomplete and PHP: populating input field with data from mySQL database based on selected option in autocomplete field field I am trying to populate a Postcode ie zipcode input field with data from a mySQL database based on the user's.. is the closest to my problem although it populates the zipcode or postcode field with a range of zipcodes based on a state.. populates the zipcode or postcode field with a range of zipcodes based on a state selection rather than a single zipcode based..