php Programming Glossary: paypal
Get referrer URL - visitors coming from Paypal (HTTPS) 'HTTP_REFERER' echo ref Is there a simple way to get the paypal url if the visitor land on the site coming from Paypal Edit.. there any workaround to this without set something on the paypal site php paypal http referer share improve this question.. to this without set something on the paypal site php paypal http referer share improve this question In case your site..
Getting MYSQL ERROR from my site [closed] donations if you use this sript for commercial use to My paypal account bisnis h3 Forgot Password h3..
PayPal IPN Bad Request 400 Error . strlen req . r n r n fp fsockopen 'ssl' 443 errno errstr 30 if fp HTTP ERROR else fputs fp header.. line this is the header before it is sent Host POST cgi bin webscr HTTP 1.0 Content Type application x.. application x www form urlencoded Content Length 1096 php paypal paypal ipn share improve this question Since you're opening..
How do I make a PayPal encrypted buy now button with custom fields? an IPN URL and redirect page php button encryption paypal paypal api share improve this question You don't have to.. an IPN URL and redirect page php button encryption paypal paypal api share improve this question You don't have to encrypt...
PHP Curl Paypal Sandbox code is from http 2006 04 standard paypal php integration.html orderno _SESSION ss_last_orderno ppAcc.. HERE at AT HERE PDT Identity Token url https cgi bin webscr Test url https cgi bin webscr.. cgi bin webscr Test url https cgi bin webscr Live tx _REQUEST 'tx' this value is return..
Dynamic Paypal button encryption I would like to know how to do it on my server. php paypal share improve this question maybe you could try putting.. variables from the table whenever the customer clicks the paypal buttons. I just hope i understood your statement right xD share..
Paypal IPN always return “payment_status: Pending” on sandbox? Pending&rdquo on sandbox I'm trying to implement paypal on my website. I use this class http php.. my website. I use this class http php paypal ipn integration class.html Right now im working using paypal.. ipn integration class.html Right now im working using paypal sandbox. What's problem User make payment ok user return to..
curl_init() function not working want to process post values and send again post request to paypal php lampp share improve this question You need to install..
Dynamic PayPal button generation - isn't it very unsecure? and easily hackable Like so form name _xclick target paypal action https method post input type hidden name.. Like so form name _xclick target paypal action https method post input type hidden name cmd value _cart input.. name amount value 24.99 input type image src http en_US i btn btn_cart_LG.gif border 0 name submit alt Make..
Get referrer URL - visitors coming from Paypal (HTTPS) this question In case your site uses HTTP not HTTPS and PayPal uses HTTPS there is no Referrer being sent HTTP RFC 15.1.3 Encoding..
PayPal IPN Bad Request 400 Error IPN Bad Request 400 Error Using the PayPal IPN I keep getting.. IPN Bad Request 400 Error Using the PayPal IPN I keep getting an error 400. I have been making the script.. ' 1 0D 0A 3 ' value IPN fix req . key value post back to PayPal system to validate header POST cgi bin webscr HTTP 1.0 r n header..
How do I make a PayPal encrypted buy now button with custom fields? do I make a PayPal encrypted buy now button with custom fields Is there a way..
PHP Curl Paypal Sandbox bin webscr Live tx _REQUEST 'tx' this value is return by PayPal cmd _notify synch post tx tx at at amp cmd cmd Send request.. _notify synch post tx tx at at amp cmd cmd Send request to PayPal server using CURL ch curl_init url curl_setopt ch CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER.. ch 0 CURL error exit ERROR Failed updating order. PayPal PDT service failed. longstr str_replace r result lines split..
Paypal IPN always return “payment_status: Pending” on sandbox? your My Business Setup but currently it redirects to PayPal live despite being in the sandbox . Once you're on that page.. don't forget to confirm your business account using the PayPal Sandbox front end and Test Email section of the API. share..
Passing price variable to PayPal with custom button price variable to PayPal with custom button I have a form and a custom paypal button.. en_US i btn btn_paynowCC_LG.gif border 0 name submit alt PayPal The safer easier way to pay online img alt border 0 src https..
Dynamic PayPal button generation - isn't it very unsecure? PayPal button generation isn't it very unsecure I am just wondering.. it very unsecure I am just wondering here.. Aren't the PayPal buttons that are dynamically created very unsecure and easily.. border 0 name submit alt Make payments with PayPal it's fast free and secure input type hidden name add value 1..
Get referrer URL - visitors coming from Paypal (HTTPS) referrer URL visitors coming from Paypal HTTPS Hi I'm trying to get the referrer url but it doesn't.. it doesn't work when the visitor comes to the site from Paypal ref _SERVER 'HTTP_REFERER' echo ref Is there a simple way to.. the paypal url if the visitor land on the site coming from Paypal Edit and Clarification I'm not looking to have any special settings..
PHP Paypal Class Paypal Class Could anybody recommend a up to date class or payment.. payments with PHP Thank you UPDATE I ended up using the PaypalNVP class by Peter Reisinger. Unfortunately that was a very long..
PHP Curl Paypal Sandbox Curl Paypal Sandbox Is it possible to use CURL and Paypal's Developer Sandbox.. Curl Paypal Sandbox Is it possible to use CURL and Paypal's Developer Sandbox When I try this code it says in print_r..
Passing custom variables to paypal IPN this question I am not sure if it is even possible with Paypal to send and receive multiple variables. If it is not possible.. receive multiple variables. If it is not possible due to Paypal's restrictions you could use one of the following approaches..
simple php SoapClient example for paypal needed of using PHP's SoapClient class to make an empty call to Paypal with nothing but the version number I have the correct WSDL.. SOAP ENV Body SOAP ENV Envelope Of course Paypal throws a Version is not supported error. php paypal api soap..
Dynamic Paypal button encryption Paypal button encryption I'm designing a Order Site using PHP Mysql... Site using PHP Mysql. In the final stage the user is given Paypal buttons to pay for the Orders he has made. So the Item Name.. being variables I cannot use an encrypted button from Paypal. I'll have to use either a non encrypted button or encrypt it..
Paypal IPN always return “payment_status: Pending” on sandbox? IPN always return &ldquo payment_status Pending&rdquo on sandbox..
how to send and retrieve custom form info through paypal IPN? custom form info through paypal IPN It seems that Paypal limits what what information can be retrieved by the paypal..
Simple Paypal IPN examples? [closed] Paypal IPN examples closed I would like to have a text input form..
Get total of balance in Paypal account total of balance in Paypal account Is there a way I can securely query my paypal account.. '' 'signature' '' 'version' '51.0' action 'GetBalance' Get Paypal balance switch environment case 'sandbox' case 'beta sandbox'.. 'L_SHORTMESSAGE0' n result 'L_LONGMESSAGE0' n exit echo Paypal balance result 'L_CURRENCYCODE0' result 'L_AMT0' var_dump result..