php Programming Glossary: pdt
How to enable autocomplete/syntax-highlight for PHP core functions in Eclipse?
What are some pros and cons of the various PHP IDEs? [closed] big GUI IDEs I've extensively used Zend Studio and Eclipse PDT and am currently trying out NetBeans. I have never used NuSphere...
PHP IDE with best code completion? [closed] appears after you hit Ctrl SPACE. I've also tried Eclipse PDT which is better but still often has hiccups sometimes fails..
PHP Curl Paypal Sandbox _SESSION ss_last_orderno ppAcc SELLER HERE at AT HERE PDT Identity Token url https cgi bin webscr.. ch 0 CURL error exit ERROR Failed updating order. PayPal PDT service failed. longstr str_replace r result lines split n longstr..
Automatic PHP Documentation Generation? be thrown A great thing being that recent IDE like Eclipse PDT for instance can read and interpret those markers to provide..
A tool to add and complete PHP source code documentation every day so the task can be done by hand and Eclipse PDT provides a feature to pre generate the docblock for a method.. nice thing is this could be fully automated Using Eclipse PDT maybe this could be set as an External Tool so we can at least..
PHPDoc for variable-length arrays of arguments seen anything that could be used by IDEs such as Eclipse PDT for parameters hinting either I would have said do like your..
A more pretty/informative Var_dump alternative in PHP?
How do I get the current time zone of MySQL? the database. When was it Was that 1 30 a.m. November 1st PDT or 1 30 a.m. November 1st PST an hour later You have absolutely..
PHP developing suite? [closed] phpstorm share improve this question Eclipse PDT is great for those who are familiar with visual studio. It integrates..
I need to debug php, what is my best choice? step by step debugging and can be used with eclipse PDT netbeans and even vim. You really should give it a try. There..
PHP, MySQL and Time Zones 00 Let's pretend we're on the US west coast. This will be PDT right now UTC 7 la new DateTimeZone 'America Los_Angeles' Update..
The best PHP editor for Vista [closed]
How can I easily convert dates from UTC via PHP? '2009 04 01 15 36 13' it should display for a user in the PDT timezone 7 hours as '2009 04 01 08 36 13'. What is the easiest..
How can I get word wrap to work in Eclipse PDT for PHP files? can I get word wrap to work in Eclipse PDT for PHP files Programming PHP in Eclipse PDT is predominately.. in Eclipse PDT for PHP files Programming PHP in Eclipse PDT is predominately a joy code completion templates method jumping.. had no effect. How can I get word wrap to work in Eclipse PDT for PHP files php eclipse eclipse pdt word wrap share improve..
Php debugging with Aptana Studio and Xdebug or Zend debugger on OS X via All in one package at http en community pdt install http en community pdt configure.. pdt install http en community pdt configure your php.ini w the ZendDebugger extenssion info below..
Why does Eclipse code completion not work on some projects? project and how can I turn it back on php eclipse eclipse pdt eclipse 3.3 share improve this question Maybe Eclipse doesn't..
Installing Zend Debugger on Wamp/Windows Vista 5.2.15 cygwin_nt from http pdt server debugger Copy ZendDebugger 5.2.15RC1 cygwin_nt i386 5_2_x_nts_comp..
PHP developing suite? [closed]
While I am debugging PHP Script in Eclipse, it doesn't load mysql extension created file and restart eclipse once with the clean flag. pdt should create temporary php.ini s containing all necessary information...
How can I get word wrap to work in Eclipse PDT for PHP files? to work in Eclipse PDT for PHP files php eclipse eclipse pdt word wrap share improve this question This has really been..