php Programming Glossary: pay
any good php tutorial on how to send sms to phones? to send your messages through and you will also have to pay something for sending them. I haven't tried it myself but this..
How to prevent code injection attacks in PHP? and XSS attact Btw is there any other things I need to pay attention beside XSS attack and MySQL injection EDIT To conclude..
Optimizing Kohana-based Websites for Speed and Scalability a simple thought How much will it cost your company to pay you 5 days considering it is a reasonable amount of time to.. optimizations How much will it cost your company to buy pay for a second server and its maintenance What if you have to..
Why do you not use C for your web apps? really good people writing your programs. That means you pay more. Also C doesn't have the benefit of drawing from an enormous.. like PHP or C# or Ruby or whatever. That means you pay more. Add all of that to the fact that single threaded computational..
Taking website screenshot, server-side, on a Linux rented server, free server free Ok so right now I can't really afford to pay for any service. I want to be able to take screenshots using..
Is there a static code analyzer [like Lint] for PHP files? [closed] would be preferred but we might convince the company to pay for something if it's highly recommended. php lint share..
Dynamic Paypal button encryption In the final stage the user is given Paypal buttons to pay for the Orders he has made. So the Item Name Value are variables... I would like to know how to do it on my server. php paypal share improve this question maybe you could try putting.. variables from the table whenever the customer clicks the paypal buttons. I just hope i understood your statement right xD..
How to facilitate communication between php script on a server to a running Java application on another server? up a java servlet container server such as tomcat you can pay a lot of money for something else if you have to for corporate..
Is time() a good salt It just makes sure that the attacker will at least pay the dictionary attack price for each bad password he breaks...
Email Tracking - GMail or not as many ESPs do this already I just don't want to pay for their service and I want to do it internally. Thanks all..
PHP function to evaluate string like “2-1” as arithmetic 2-1=1 that there is no other option than to use this construct pay special attention not to pass any user provided data into it..
Best methods to clean up a hacked site with no clean version available? draconian firewall. When you rebuild the system be sure to pay special attention to proper configuration. If the web content..
Design considerations for internationalization to do it unless you name the particular text passages and pay him extra. For example if you have and word jokes in your language..
Architecture more suitable for web apps than MVC? of M V and C. You gain modularity and maintainability but pay with some hit in performance. Anyway. The bottom line is you..
Replacing invalid UTF-8 characters by question marks, mbstring.substitute_character seems ignored 'UTF 8' 'UTF 8' convert str When using preg_match you need pay attention to the range of bytes for avoiding the vulnerability..
How to identify web-crawler? the city from the IP.. It is not quite cheap if I have to pay for ALL hits including webcrawlers robots etc. php web crawler.. benefits of being crawled by bots but you will not have to pay to check the IP addresses that are black listed due to going..
How can I force users to access my page over HTTPS instead of HTTP? But that can't be the right way can it BTW please pay no attention to the URL. I know that if it were actually a page.. you type in your credit card info to be submitted to a payment gateway on an external site for the express purpose of charging..