php Programming Glossary: path
Replace URLs in text with HTML links urlPosition position domain match 2 0 port match 3 0 path match 4 0 Check if the TLD is valid or that domain is an IP.. htmlspecialchars completeUrl htmlspecialchars domain port path else Not a valid URL. print htmlspecialchars url Continue..
How to [recursively] Zip a directory in PHP? aFiles this da getDirTree target aFiles is something like path filetime Array home home file1.html 1251280379 home file2.html.. CREATE return false source str_replace ' ' ' ' realpath source if is_dir source true files new RecursiveIteratorIterator.. file strrpos file ' ' 1 array '.' '..' continue file realpath file if is_dir file true zip addEmptyDir str_replace source..
How to Use AJAX in a WordPress Shortcode? '.. .. .. .. wp load.php' array file _POST 'file_path' file path in _POST as from the js r rand 0 count array 1 return.. .. .. .. wp load.php' array file _POST 'file_path' file path in _POST as from the js r rand 0 count array 1 return ' p '.. 'js ajax load quote.php' supplying the file path to the ajax loaded php as a _POST variable data file_path ajaxParams.filePath..
The mysql extension is deprecated and will be removed in the future: use mysqli or PDO instead will be removed in the future use mysqli or PDO instead in path to filename.php on line 123 The code on the referenced line..
How to remove “index.php” in codeigniter's path to remove &ldquo index.php&rdquo in codeigniter's path How do I remove the index.php sticking out in every path in.. path How do I remove the index.php sticking out in every path in codeigniter somewhere in the center I want clean non index.php..
Forcing to download a file using PHP
How to extract a file extension in PHP? now . In fact it does exist but few people know it. Meet pathinfo ext pathinfo filename PATHINFO_EXTENSION This is fast efficient.. it does exist but few people know it. Meet pathinfo ext pathinfo filename PATHINFO_EXTENSION This is fast efficient reliable.. in. Pathinfo can give you others info such as canonical path depending on the constant you pass to it. Enjoy share improve..
PHP Parse/Syntax Errors; and How to solve them? crops up in some code below you're often on the right path. If after editing a new syntax error crops up in the same line..
Deploy a project using Git push as a remote remote production url username@webserver path to htdocs .git On the server replace .git hooks post update..
PHP Session Fixation / Hijacking setcookie session_name '' time 42000 params path params domain params secure params httponly session_destroy..
How do I expire a PHP session after 30 minutes? handler files the session data is stored in files in a path specified in session.save_path . With that session handler the.. is stored in files in a path specified in session.save_path . With that session handler the age of the session data is calculated..
How to create a simple 'Hello World' module in Magento? Create an XML file in app modules named as follows cd path to store app touch etc modules MyCompanyName_HelloWorld.xml..
What's the best way to separate PHP Code and HTML? [closed] web site you need something that can hold data and a file path. With the below classes you create a new Template object and..
Merge FDF data into a PDF file using PHP don't go through the headache that I endured. N.B. If your PATH variable is not set you will need to use the full path to pdftk..
Executing php with crontab You can then use that path if it's not already in your PATH variable in your cron entry 5 your path to php var www some..
How do I add paths to the Apache PATH variable? do I add paths to the Apache PATH variable I've set in my custom.conf file in apache2 this SetEnv.. I've set in my custom.conf file in apache2 this SetEnv PATH PATH opt local lib mysql5 bin this is a test However it's not.. set in my custom.conf file in apache2 this SetEnv PATH PATH opt local lib mysql5 bin this is a test However it's not working...
Delete directory with files in it? a directory with all its files in it I'm using rmdir PATH . ' ' . value to delete a folder however if there are files..
How can I find out what Page has installed my Facebook App / which page is loading my app your app. So one way to capture the page id would be php PATH TO FB PHP SDK require '.. .. src facebook.php' facebook new..
$PATH environment variable for apache2 on mac PATH environment variable for apache2 on mac I am trying to get.. usr bin bin usr sbin sbin . And when I run system 'echo PATH' in PHP it reads the same. System Information Mac OSX Lion Apache.. NEW_FILE Nothing I have tried so far has changed the PATH variable. Any ideas SOLUTION So here is the final solution...
Resize images with PHP class Store_Model_Image extends My_Model_Abstract const PATH STORE_MODEL_IMAGE_PATH const URL store assets product images.. extends My_Model_Abstract const PATH STORE_MODEL_IMAGE_PATH const URL store assets product images public function get_image_url.. public function get_image_url width height old_file self PATH . this get_filename basename pathinfo old_file PATHINFO_FILENAME..
Achieve hierarchy, Parent/Child Relationship in an effective and easy way Table Nested Sets aka Modified Preorder Tree Traversal Path Enumeration aka Materialized Path I cover these in my presentation.. Preorder Tree Traversal Path Enumeration aka Materialized Path I cover these in my presentation Models for Hierarchical Data..
php.ini changes but not effective in ubuntu some information of my phpinfo. Configuration File php.ini Path etc php5 apache2 Loaded Configuration File etc php5 apache2..
Call to undefined function curl_init() error in wamp 2.2 wamp in the partition E but the Configuration File php.ini Path seems different it is C Windows. Please help me to fix the issue...
Remote debugging won't stop at breakpoints your debug config in the server area click Configure go to Path Mapping click the path that's there and click edit change to.. click the path that's there and click edit change to Path in file system and navigate to the correct file. Done. share..
How to find the php.ini file used by the command line? php i grep 'Configuration File' Configuration File php.ini Path etc Loaded Configuration File etc php.ini Well grepping is probably..
How to run a PHP file in a scheduled task (Windows Task Scheduler) share improve this question The Run command should be C Path to php.exe f C Path to file.php From the command line help of.. question The Run command should be C Path to php.exe f C Path to file.php From the command line help of php.exe f Parse and..
Attach image to Facebook event (php sdk, rest or graph api) [duplicate] 'cookie' true 'fileUpload' true Post Path to photo only tested with relative path to same directory file..
Why is my e-mail still being picked up as spam? Using mail() function so far headers From Name r n . Return Path Name r n . Reply To Name r..
Recursive MySQL query? data and looks at their pros and cons Adjacency list Path enumeration Nested sets Closure table Slide 48 shows the relative..
PHP email header subject encoding problem . Date date n headers . Delivered to to n headers . Return Path sender_name from n headers . Envelope from sender_name from..
How do I prevent mails sent through PHP mail() from going to spam? . Reply To r n headers . Return Path r n headers . CC
Looping Through All a Server's Sessions in PHP alternatively create a php file with php echo Session Save Path . ini_get 'session.save_path' as it's contents and open the..
Is this the correct way to send email with PHP? . from . ' ' 'Reply To ' . name . ' ' . from . ' ' 'Return Path ' . name . ' ' . from . ' ' 'X Mailer PHP ' . phpversion 'X..
Magento programmatically add product image sizes to media gallery mediaArray array 'thumbnail' putPathHere 'small_image' putPathHere 'image' putPathHere Remove unset.. mediaArray array 'thumbnail' putPathHere 'small_image' putPathHere 'image' putPathHere Remove unset images add image to gallery.. putPathHere 'small_image' putPathHere 'image' putPathHere Remove unset images add image to gallery if exists importDir..
Path of assets in CSS files in Symfony2 of assets in CSS files in Symfony2 Problem I have a CSS file..
PHP Fatal error: Call to undefined function mssql_connect() Directory Support disabled Configuration File php.ini Path C Windows Loaded Configuration File C Program Files x86 PHP..