php Programming Glossary: path_parts
Get the file extension (basename?) share improve this question Use the pathinfo function path_parts pathinfo ' www htdocs index.html' echo path_parts 'dirname'.. function path_parts pathinfo ' www htdocs index.html' echo path_parts 'dirname' n echo path_parts 'basename' n echo path_parts 'extension'.. ' www htdocs index.html' echo path_parts 'dirname' n echo path_parts 'basename' n echo path_parts 'extension' n echo path_parts 'filename'..
Create blog post links similar to a folder structure the current URL as you can see. For example using pathinfo path_parts pathinfo _SERVER 'REQUEST_URI' path_parts 'dirname' would return.. using pathinfo path_parts pathinfo _SERVER 'REQUEST_URI' path_parts 'dirname' would return health 2013 08 25 path_parts 'basename'.. path_parts 'dirname' would return health 2013 08 25 path_parts 'basename' would return some random title and if it had an extension..
Regex to get value of a numeric URL parameter? the url into an assoc. array parse_str url_parts 'query' path_parts echo path_parts 'ProdId' 2683322 echo path_parts 'xpage' 2 .. assoc. array parse_str url_parts 'query' path_parts echo path_parts 'ProdId' 2683322 echo path_parts 'xpage' 2 share improve this..
How to convert all images to JPG format in PHP? it's not wroking in PNG format and also limited to 3 ext. path_parts pathinfo .. images DVDs . _POST 'logo_file' if path_parts 'extension'.. path_parts pathinfo .. images DVDs . _POST 'logo_file' if path_parts 'extension' png src imagecreatefrompng .. images DVDs . _POST.. images DVDs filename .'t_'. _POST 'logo_file' 100 else if path_parts 'extension' jpg path_parts 'extension' jpeg src imagecreatefromjpeg..
How to download large files through PHP script fd fopen fullname rb if fd fsize filesize fullname path_parts pathinfo fullname ext strtolower path_parts extension switch.. fullname path_parts pathinfo fullname ext strtolower path_parts extension switch ext case pdf header Content type application.. break header Content Disposition attachment filename . path_parts basename . header Content length fsize header Cache control..