php Programming Glossary: patterns
Converting words to numbers in PHP string. Parse the tokens after the stop point for these patterns SPECIAL TEN UNIT TEN UNIT UNIT HUNDRED UNIT HUNDRED SPECIAL..
When to use single quotes, double quotes, and backticks? Backtick table column Variable interpolation The quoting patterns for variables do not change although if you intend to interpolate..
Who should handle the conditions in complex queries, the data mapper or the service layer? could say that the mapper are related to builder factory patterns. The goal is different but the approach to solving the problems..
Global or Singleton for database connection? advantages it have over global or singleton. php design patterns singleton share improve this question I know this is old..
What is the right way to handle $_POST data in MVC? handle the _POST data. In the MVC and MVC inspired design patterns the model should be aware of neither the user interface nor..
MVC For advanced developers [closed] refactoring principles SOLID SoC CQS LoD and common patterns and no singleton is not an object oriented pattern . MVC is..
PHP Parse/Syntax Errors; and How to solve them? not every case matches the other there are some general patterns to solve syntax mistakes . And this reference question tries..
Can I include code into a PHP class? meows then use the Strategy pattern. For more design patterns in PHP check these resources http manual en language.oop5.patterns.php.. these resources http manual en language.oop5.patterns.php http developerworks library os php designptrns..
Using a regular expression to validate an email address but simple. It was written before the days of grammatical patterns. The grammar specified in RFC 5322 is too complicated for primitive.. expressions although the more sophisticated grammatical patterns in Perl PCRE and PHP can all manage to correctly parse RFC 5322.. standard. That is no better than all the other non RFC patterns. It isn ™t even smart enough to handle even RFC 822 let alone..
Creating the Singleton design pattern in PHP5 create a Singleton class using PHP5 classes php design patterns singleton share improve this question Singleton class final..
How to generate all permutations of a string in PHP?
What kinds of patterns could I enforce on the code to make it easier to translate to another programming language? kinds of patterns could I enforce on the code to make it easier to translate to.. know. EDIT I am more interested in knowing what kinds of patterns I could enforce on the code to make it easier to translate ie..
PHP to clean-up pasted Microsoft input a series of brute force regexes looking for MS specific patterns might do the trick but I don't want to re write something that..
Secure hash and salt for PHP passwords One problem is to make our passwords memorable we insert patterns ”which reduces entropy. Oops Password entropy is approximated..
Who needs singletons? [closed] something. So who's wrong who's right php oop design patterns singleton share improve this question Okay I wondered over..
How should a model be structured in MVC? the following is description of how I understand MVC like patterns in context of PHP based web applications. All the external links..
If Singletons are bad then why is a Service Container good? solution to access this helper objects php oop design patterns frameworks share improve this question The service locator..
Match number at the end of the string
MVC For advanced developers [closed] slides php The Principles of Agile Design Advanced OO Patterns slides php Beyond Frameworks slides php Agility and Quality.. of Control Containers and the Dependency Injection pattern Patterns of Enterprise Application Architecture Domain Driven Design..
What are your templating strategies? question Have a look at the section Web Presentation Patterns especially Template View Transform View Two Step View . For..
Can I include code into a PHP class? os php designptrns http PHP Design Patterns http design_patterns share improve this answer..
zend-framework versus Kohana versus Symfony to get a firm grip on OOP and the most common Design Patterns first because that is what you will find in these frameworks...
Patterns for PHP multi processes? for PHP multi processes Which design pattern exist to realize..
OOP design: How to incorporate DB handling into application objects architecture. The four common Data Source Architectural Patterns can be found in Martin Fowler 's Patterns of Enterprise Application.. Architectural Patterns can be found in Martin Fowler 's Patterns of Enterprise Application Architecture Table Data Gateway An..
What is the best way to format messages for queueing? popular and powerful open source messaging and Integration Patterns provider. Apache ActiveMQ is fast supports many Cross Language.. Protocols comes with easy to use Enterprise Integration Patterns and many advanced features while fully supporting JMS 1.1 and..
in MVC, where do you draw the line between a controller and model? [closed] layer without having to touch your M. See MVC Excerpt in Patterns of Enterprise Application Architecture share improve this answer..
Is MVC + Service Layer common in zend or PHP? describes the Service Layer pattern of his great book Patterns of Enterprise Application Architecture . If you care about questions..
Magento Design Patterns Design Patterns Magento IMHO represents a PHP system that is built on well..
The best way to share database connection between classes a singleton pattern. you can read about it here. PHP Patterns The main idea is that you save your DB object in static property..
Properly calling the database from Model in an MVC application? this technical debt . Few books loosely related to subject Patterns of Enterprise Application Architecture Agile Software Development.. Architecture Agile Software Development Principles Patterns and Practices SQL Antipatterns Avoiding the Pitfalls of Database..
PHP OOP core framework you with it Inheritance Polymorphism Testing Advanced OO Patterns slides Unit Testing The Principles of Agile Design Global State.. reading materials PHP Object Oriented Solutions Design Patterns Explained Patterns of Enterprise Application Architecture You.. PHP Object Oriented Solutions Design Patterns Explained Patterns of Enterprise Application Architecture You will notice that..