php Programming Glossary: pdo
Why shouldn't I use mysql_* functions in PHP? with excellent tutorials as seen above the transition to PDO isn't overly arduous. Rewriting a larger code base at once however.. print row title row html Et voil . Your code is using PDO. Now it's time to actually utilize it. Bound parameters can.. query. The placeholder feature is provided by the real PDO behind it. Thus also allowed named placeholder lists later...
Reference - frequently asked questions about PDO [closed] frequently asked questions about PDO closed What is this This is a list of frequently asked questions.. asked questions regarding PHP Data Objects Why is this As PDO has some features unknown to a regular PHP user questions regarding.. regarding prepared statements and error handling in PDO are quite frequent. So this is just a place where all them can..
UTF-8 all the way through usually the preferred approach. In PHP If you're using the PDO abstraction layer with PHP &ge 5.3.6 you can specify charset.. PHP &ge 5.3.6 you can specify charset in the DSN dbh new PDO 'mysql charset utf8' If you're using mysqli you can call set_charset..
How should a model be structured in MVC? of DB connection dbhProvider function instance new PDO 'mysql host localhost dbname charset UTF 8' ' username ' ' password.. UTF 8' ' username ' ' password ' instance setAttribute PDO ATTR_ERRMODE PDO ERRMODE_EXCEPTION instance setAttribute PDO.. ' ' password ' instance setAttribute PDO ATTR_ERRMODE PDO ERRMODE_EXCEPTION instance setAttribute PDO ATTR_EMULATE_PREPARES..
How to properly set up a PDO connection so other classes can extends this one... class connect_pdo protected dbh public function __construct try db_host ' '.. handler into a var for easier access con new connect_pdo con con dbh Here I do believe there's room for massive improvement.. database Inside my sqlQuery class which extends my connect_pdo class I have a public function called getAreaName which handles..
PDO Prepared Inserts multiple rows in single query Statements. If yes may I know how can I implement it php pdo insert prepared statement share improve this question Multiple.. 0 x count x result text return implode separator result pdo beginTransaction also helps speed up your inserts insert_values.. datafield . VALUES . implode ' ' question_marks stmt pdo prepare sql try stmt execute insert_values catch PDOException..
Why shouldn't I use mysql_* functions in PHP? functions is no longer recommended. php mysql database pdo share improve this question Ease of use The analytic and.. Raison d'être for this intermediate alternative Equivalent pdo_ functions in place of mysql_ Using pdo_mysql.php you can switch.. Equivalent pdo_ functions in place of mysql_ Using pdo_mysql.php you can switch from the old mysql_ functions with..
Are PDO prepared statements sufficient to prevent SQL injection? about XSS or other possible vulnerabilities. php security pdo sql injection share improve this question Prepared statements..
PHP PDO prepared statements or tutorial links would be greatly appreciated. php mysql pdo share improve this question There are two great examples.. this question There are two great examples on the pdo prepare documentation. I have included them here and simplified..
Reference - frequently asked questions about PDO [closed] from where and what are œundefined variable errors php pdo share improve this question PDO query fails but I can't.. array PDO ATTR_ERRMODE PDO ERRMODE_EXCEPTION other options pdo new PDO dsn user pass opt Connecting this way you will be always..
Can PHP PDO Statements accept the table name as parameter? don't want to do sql SELECT FROM table WHERE 1 php mysql pdo share improve this question Please see the following http.. Please see the following http manual en book.pdo.php#69304 Table and Column names cannot be replaced by parameters..
Getting raw SQL query string from PDO prepared statements purposes this would be extremely useful. php sql mysql pdo pdostatement share improve this question I assume you mean.. this would be extremely useful. php sql mysql pdo pdostatement share improve this question I assume you mean that..
PHP PDO bindValue in LIMIT safe before sending the sql statement. php sql mysql pdo share improve this question I remember having this problem..
How to squeeze error message out of PDO? 300533 What can I do to get error info php error handling pdo share improve this question setAttribute will cause PDO..
Insert/update helper function using PDO I believe. And even 20 question marks too. php mysql pdo share improve this question I usually have a class extending..
PDO support for multiple queries (PDO_MYSQL, PDO_MYSQLND) [closed] any way now to run multiple queries using PDO. php mysql pdo share improve this question As I know PDO_MYSQLND replaced.. you can avoid using prepared statements and use pdo exec directly. Using exec db new PDO mysql host localhost dbname..
How to get Zend\Db\Adapter instance from within a Model? (ZF2) 'parameters' array 'driver' 'Zend Db Adapter Driver Pdo Pdo' 'Zend Db Adapter Driver Pdo Pdo' array 'parameters'.. 'parameters' array 'driver' 'Zend Db Adapter Driver Pdo Pdo' 'Zend Db Adapter Driver Pdo Pdo' array 'parameters' array.. Db Adapter Driver Pdo Pdo' 'Zend Db Adapter Driver Pdo Pdo' array 'parameters' array 'connection' 'Zend Db Adapter..
Switching from PHP's mysql extension to PDO. Extend class to reduce lines of code thing is that you create a class for that let's call it PdoFactory class PdoFactory @return PDO public function buildPdo.. you create a class for that let's call it PdoFactory class PdoFactory @return PDO public function buildPdo pdo new PDO dsn.. class PdoFactory @return PDO public function buildPdo pdo new PDO dsn 'xyz' user 'abc' pass '' options '' if pdoException..
How can I make a singleton wrapper for PDO? you need to wrap the PDO instance into a Singleton class MyPdo @var MyPdo protected static _instance @var Pdo protected _pdo.. wrap the PDO instance into a Singleton class MyPdo @var MyPdo protected static _instance @var Pdo protected _pdo Creates.. class MyPdo @var MyPdo protected static _instance @var Pdo protected _pdo Creates instance and returns it on subsequent..
“Lost connection to MySQL server” when trying to connect to remote MySQL server packet' system error 111' in usr share php Zend Db Adapter Pdo Abstract.php 129 Stack trace #0 usr share php Zend Db Adapter.. 129 Stack trace #0 usr share php Zend Db Adapter Pdo Abstract.php 129 PDO __construct 'mysql host 192....' 'root'.. 'root' 'password' Array #1 usr share php Zend Db Adapter Pdo Mysql.php 96 Zend_Db_Adapter_Pdo_Abstract _connect #2 usr share..