php Programming Glossary: famous
Global or Singleton for database connection? . . . Then in 6 months when your app is super famous and getting dugg and slashdotted and you decide you need more..
Secure login: public key encryption in PHP and Javascript to mention what they want to achieve. Security has the famous three components called CIA namely confidentiality integrity..
PHP Type-Juggling and (strict) Greater/Lesser Than Comparisons and strict Greater Lesser Than Comparisons PHP is famous for its type juggling. I must admit it puzzles me and I'm having..
I never really understood: what is CGI? old Perl existed when CGI was new and became fairly famous for being a very good language to serve dynamic webpages via..
Pre-installed Linux for Web Developers? only 50mb and Debian Based and I believe it's the most famous minimal distribution you can check more distros in this list..
What's better of require(dirname(__FILE__).'/'.'myParent.php') than just require('myParent.php')? '.'myParent.php' than just require 'myParent.php' Lots of famous PHP scripts including WordPress use dirname __FILE__ .' myParent.php'.. version of timthumb php class php class Anyone know of a ASP.Net version of the famous PHP class timthumb Just need a script which will work in the..
PHP Newbies: How to write good code [closed] fruit and forget about silly micro optimizations . The famous quotation We should forget about small efficiencies say about..
Can mysql_real_escape_string ALONE prevent all kinds of sql injection ? [duplicate]
Generating ZIP files with PHP + Apache on-the-fly in high speed? with PHP Apache on the fly in high speed To quote some famous words œProgrammers often take refuge in an understandable but..
HTML2PDF in PHP - convert utilities & scripts - examples & demos works well though After the install I got the quite famous Cannot connect to X server error. This is due to the fact that..
PHP sessions in a load balancing cluster - how? way that I could avoid coding all this myself Like some famous and well tested PHP plugin php session load balancing cluster..