php Programming Glossary: false
How to properly set up a PDO connection instance setAttribute PDO ATTR_EMULATE_PREPARES false return instance factory new StructureFactory provider Then in..
Warning: mysql_fetch_* expects parameter 1 to be resource, boolean given error [duplicate] passing it to mysql_fetch_array . You'll find that it's false because the query failed. See the mysql_query documentation..
How to validate an email address in PHP [duplicate] catch wrong emailadresses and and the same time don't have false positives is something no mortal can do. Check out this list..
Reference: all basic ways to sort arrays and data in PHP array swap true while gap 1 swap if gap 1 gap 1.25 swap false i 0 while i gap count array if array i array i gap swapping..
Using a regular expression to validate an email address that their perfectly valid e mail address is invalid a false positive because your regular expression can't handle it is..
innerHTML in PHP's DomDocument? Example php dom new DOMDocument dom preserveWhiteSpace false dom formatOutput true dom load html_string domTable dom getElementsByTagName..
Convert one date format into another in PHP m d h i s' works middle strtotime old_date returns bool false new_date date 'Y m d H i s' middle returns 1970 01 01 00 00..
How do I catch a PHP Fatal Error errno errstr errfile errline trace print_r debug_backtrace false true content table thead bgcolor '#c8c8c8' th Item th th Description..
mysql_fetch_array() expects parameter 1 to be resource, boolean given in select passing it to mysql_fetch_array . You'll find that it's false because the query failed. See the mysql_query documentation..
Simple “Long Polling” example code? If set to non async browser shows page as Loading.. cache false timeout 50000 Timeout in ms success function data called when..
How should I choose an authentication library for CodeIgniter? back doors wide open you shouldn't delude yourself into a false sense of security by bolting the front. Moreover if you're serious..
php execute a background process
How do you use bcrypt for hashing passwords in PHP? input this getSalt if strlen hash 13 return hash return false public function verify input existingHash hash crypt input existingHash..
jQuery Ajax POST example with php function reenable the inputs inputs.prop disabled false prevent default posting of form event.preventDefault Note Since..
How should a model be structured in MVC? instance setAttribute PDO ATTR_EMULATE_PREPARES false return instance Creates basic structures which will be used..
php == vs === operator [duplicate] type and the same value. Examples 1 1 true 1 1 true 1 1 false 1 is an integer 1 is a string 1 1 true 1 gets casted to an integer..
How to calculate the difference between two dates using PHP? two unix timestamps. function _date_diff one two invert false if one two list one two array two one invert true key array..
How do the equality (== double equals) and identity (=== triple equals) comparison operators differ? means that they are equal means that they aren't equal. false null array 0 0 0x0 0x0 000 0000 false null array .. they aren't equal. false null array 0 0 0x0 0x0 000 0000 false null array 0 0 0x0 0x0 000 ..
Warning: mysql_fetch_* expects parameter 1 to be resource, boolean given error [duplicate] FROM Users WHERE UserName LIKE ' username' if result FALSE die mysql_error TODO better error handling while row mysql_fetch_array..
Secure random number generation in PHP '' Unix Linux platform fp @fopen ' dev urandom' 'rb' if fp FALSE pr_bits . @fread fp 16 @fclose fp MS Windows platform if @class_exists..
create ini file, write values in PHP function write_ini_file assoc_arr path has_sections FALSE content if has_sections foreach assoc_arr as key elem content..
Mysqli update throwing Call to a member function bind_param() error rowid stmt insert_id stmt close memberMysqli autocommit FALSE function updateColumn memberMysqli query uid value if value.. mysqli function interacting with server and if result is FALSE check mysqli error . It is also very important to convert mysqli..
How can I store my users' passwords safely? require 'PasswordHash.php' pwdHasher new PasswordHash 8 FALSE hash is what you would store in your database hash pwdHasher..
Sanitizing strings to make them URL and filename safe? @return string function sanitize string '' is_filename FALSE Replace all weird characters with dashes string preg_replace..
how to extract data from csv file in php Example from PHP Manual row 1 if handle fopen test.csv r FALSE while data fgetcsv handle 1000 FALSE num count data echo p num.. fopen test.csv r FALSE while data fgetcsv handle 1000 FALSE num count data echo p num fields in line row br p n row for..
mysql_fetch_array() expects parameter 1 to be resource, boolean given in select FROM Users WHERE UserName LIKE ' username' if result FALSE die mysql_error TODO better error handling while row mysql_fetch_array..
Import CSV file directly into MySQL like path yourfile.csv row 1 if handle fopen path r FALSE while data fgetcsv handle 1000 FALSE row data_entries data.. handle fopen path r FALSE while data fgetcsv handle 1000 FALSE row data_entries data fclose handle this you'll have to..
Call to a member function bind_param() on a non-object successfully prepare the statement PDO prepare returns FALSE or emits PDOException depending on error handling . You should..
How do you use bcrypt for hashing passwords in PHP? ' dev urandom' hRand @fopen ' dev urandom' 'rb' FALSE bytes fread hRand count fclose hRand if strlen bytes count bytes..
Warning: mysql_fetch_array() expects parameter 1 to be resource, boolean given in [duplicate] not producing a query resource but instead producing FALSE. To reveal what your dynamically generated query looks like..
Youtube API - Extract video ID URL @param string url @return string Youtube video id or FALSE if none found. function youtube_id_from_url url pattern ' ^#..
Ignore html tags in preg_replace better I'm not a super xpath pro ' contains . '. search.' FALSE contains . '. search.' ..' search contains the text to search.. the search text r xp query ' contains . '. search.' FALSE contains . '. search.' ..' anchor if r throw new Exception 'XPath.. range new TextRange textNodes ranges array while FALSE start strpos range search base range split start range base..
How can I scrape website content in PHP from a website that requires a cookie login? only access page to get a session going. Change to False if it is not enough you'll see that cookiefile remains empty.. and scrape with GET method foreach array CURLOPT_POST False We GET... CURLOPT_NOBODY False ...the body... CURLOPT_URL next_url.. foreach array CURLOPT_POST False We GET... CURLOPT_NOBODY False ...the body... CURLOPT_URL next_url ...of next_url... CURLOPT_BINARYTRANSFER..
file_get_contents behind a proxy? aContext sFile file_get_contents http False cxContext echo sFile Of course remplacing the IP and Port of.. aContext sFile file_get_contents http False cxContext echo sFile Same thing about IP and Port and this time..
Null vs. False vs. 0 in PHP vs. False vs. 0 in PHP I am told that good developers can spot utilize.. can spot utilize the difference between Null and False and 0 and all the other good nothing entities. What is the difference.. PHP Null means nothing . The var has not been initialized. False means not true in a boolean context . Used to explicitely show..
Reference: all basic ways to sort arrays and data in PHP array i if isset array i 1 if array i array i 1 return False return True Radix sort In computer science radix sort is a..
“Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by” error [duplicate] start by assuming the visitor is NOT authorized. isValid False When a visitor has logged into this site the Session variable..
How to fix the session_register() DEPRECATED problem? important because the register_globals directive is set to False by default Further This registers a global variable. If you..
How to write file in UTF-8 format? 'UTF 8' fpath folder d dir fpath while False a d read if a '.' and a '..' npath fpath.' '. a data file_get_contents..
Is there any way to detect strings like putjbtghguhjjjanika? is this thing working True i hope so True t2 chhsdfitoixcv False ytjkacvzw False yutthasxcvqer False seems okay True yay True.. True i hope so True t2 chhsdfitoixcv False ytjkacvzw False yutthasxcvqer False seems okay True yay True share improve..
Unique IPs in a voting system shut 1000's out with shared IPs The Good Thought But False Pretense IP addresses Office buildings 1000's of users on the..