php Programming Glossary: failures
What does PHPUnit Strict mode do? Tests with no assertions might be marked as incomplete failures. Each test might be run with execution time limit depending..
Batch Send Email with SwiftMailer sent b ' 'text html' numSent mailer batchSend message failures printf Sent d messages n numSent As you can see above in the..
Why would apc_store() return false? to fail There's plenty of disk space available and the failures are spotty. Sometimes the store operation will succeed and sometimes..
Helping using JSON for an API a time limit on that request later on or need to handle failures. Also make sure that you use urlencode or http_build_query to..
What are the best practices for catching and re-throwing exceptions? case is where you want to logically group many possible failures under a bigger umbrella. An example for logical grouping class..
Swift Mailer Delivery Status supports that will report several types of delivery failures. 1 Always check the return code from SwiftMailer's send or batchSend.. send message echo Sent n else echo Failed n 2 Use the failures by reference feature to know if specific address es were rejected.. a variable name to the send method if mailer send message failures echo Failures print_r failures Failures Array 0 receiver@bad..
PHP Newbies: How to write good code [closed] of a unit test than is sufficient to fail and compilation failures are failures. You are not allowed to write any more production.. than is sufficient to fail and compilation failures are failures. You are not allowed to write any more production code than..