php Programming Glossary: far..
Creating javascript function to destroy php session define the javascript function. This is the code I have so far... if _SESSION 'color' var a href 'JavaScript newPopup http I am having trouble. This is the basic outline I have so far... function destroyphpsess php session_destroy If someone could..
Convert a nested array into a flat array with PHP [duplicate] tried multiple things with recursion all without luck so far... php arrays recursion nested share improve this question..
convert any date string to timestamp without timezone a database. I've run into two different date formats so far... Wed 21 Jul 2010 00 28 50 GMT And 2010 07 20T17 33 19Z I'm sure..
PHP class to create ISO image for the user to download. Google did not help me much so far... php iso iso image share improve this question Of course..
Magento bulk price changes in the selected category so here is what I have thus far... category Mage getModel 'catalog category' load 189 load products..
How to check is timezone identifier valid from code? in function I need boolean result. Well what I have so far... 1 Solution using @ operator First solution I've got is something..
php GD create a transparent png image anyone point me in the right direction. This is my code so far... image imagecreatetruecolor 485 500 imagealphablending image..