php Programming Glossary: faked
GetImageSize() not returning FALSE when it should Image Please not that _FILES 'images' 'type' key can be faked Using Fake image Headers Example file_put_contents fake.png..
How to prevent PHP sessions being shared between different apache vhosts? is the HTTP Header HTTP_REFERER but we all know it can be faked so this is security through obscurity . The only safe method..
Detecting Ajax in PHP and making sure request was from my own website normally and then allow Ajax calls.. but that can be faked too. Does it even matter in these days php ajax web security..
PHP and AJAX security question and AJAX access come from the client so it can easily be faked. Why do you want to do this anyways If it's because the PHP..
Deny ajax file access using htaccess requests in that folder. I know that http header can be faked but I can not think of a better solution . I tried this ReWriteCond..
PHP Session Fixation / Hijacking request check that it matches. Note that this can be faked so it's not 100 reliable but it's better than not. Include the..
Best way to populate a <SELECT> box with TimeZones a select box with 300 time zones nor do I want to create faked timezone offsets with something like 'UTC 8' which loses not..
Restrict ajax call origin Requested With should contain XMLHttpRequest. These can be faked but it would require a much more determined attacker than someone..
How can I pass variables from JavaScript to PHP? the selected price to the server. HTML forms can be easily faked. It is far safer to send the user's choice back to the server..