php Programming Glossary: faced
Sending messages from PHP to Node.js pli 1 In particular see this post from Matt Pardee I faced a similar problem with wanting to keep users informed of a new..
preg_split php function in a php file pattern regexp [duplicate] writing the pattern to get all the functions returned faced issue when the function's name contains the word 'function'...
How to combine zend framework and Codeigniter? ' or in Zend use autoloader Issues you WILL face which I faced Authentication Zend uses Zend Auth Namespace which uses _SESSION..
SMTP Gmail error with Codeigniter 2.1.3 line in php.ini file. You need to enable OpenSSL........ I faced this error recently.There is a small mistake in your code..........
How to convert imperial units of length into metric? to convert imperial units of length into metric Here I am faced with an issue that I believe or at least hope was solved 1 million..
Microsoft´s sqlsrv driver for PHP not returning any result when querying “SELECT SCOPE_IDENTITY() AS id” find no answer it was a big surprise for me that no one faced this problem before it seems like nobody is using this driver..
captcha or not? [closed] However if you are irritated due to the difficulty faced by users because of the very existence of captchas then there..
How to check if a PHP stream resource is readable or writable? them is either readable or writable For example if you're faced with a situation where you know nothing about how the resource..
Newbie having issues with uploading a file using ASIHTTPRequest touch ios file upload share improve this question I faced similar problem i re sized the image using UIImage im info objectForKey..
How can we upgrade PHP in present available wamp installed in Windows? in Windows I was installing the Moodle on my machine and faced a problem of requirement of Greater version of PHP which is..
Access denied for user 'www-data'@'localhost - how to deal with that? connect to mysql server is not www data. Does anyone has faced similar problem php mysql share improve this question www..
the holy grail of cleaning input and output in php? be careful outputting the result in JSON.. Some issues I faced multi language strings different charsets copy paste from Excel..
PHP openssl_public_encrypt causing Page Timeout/Connection Reset? php 5.3.8 setup. Each time I run a certain PHP script I am faced with a Page Load Error The connection was reset . I know the..
Yii framework: Using data from related Active Record models for searching by applying the solution that thaddeusmt gave i have faced with the following error message. Thanks in advance for any..
Parsing Huge XML Files in PHP which is what simplexml and DOM does . I've actually faced this problem myself so here's some code that parses the DMOZ..