php Programming Glossary: face
Signing PDFs on a server document using a signature from the user problem no no problem not important So now the problem I face is how to do that yes in step 3. If the signature is on the..
Security threats with uploads files to my server. What possible security threats do I face and how can I eliminate them I will try to be a more specific...
How to build a correct SOAP request with PHP 1 key value CDATA table width 600 tr td font size 2 face Arial Our powerful algorithms already found a matching profile.. 1 key value CDATA table width 600 tr td font size 2 face Arial Our powerful algorithms already found a matching profile..
isset() and empty() make code ugly leakage and provide a better user experience even in the face of buggy code. To elaborate You will always need isset or empty..
Historical security flaws of popular PHP CMS's? that I need to be concerned with that they perhaps didn't face as a vulnerability because they handled it correctly from the..
How to show Ajax requests in URL? too. Some recources Examples the sidebar links on your profile page Facebook WBHomes and then you will start to face a whole series of seriously difficult problems I know as I was.. mentioned before providing a nice elegant high level interface to add AJAX functionality to the mix to take care of those difficult..
Automatic face detection using Picasa API to extract individual images face detection using Picasa API to extract individual images A similar.. For eg. In Picasa 3.8 On clicking View People all the faces are shown and I am asked to name them can I save these individual.. the images and prompts me to name them. I do not need face recognition I simply need face detection. Picasa detects the..
How can I merge 3 images into 1 image via PHP? a simple api that goes something like color _GET 'color' face _GET 'face' hat _GET 'hat' echo ' img src avatar.php color color.. api that goes something like color _GET 'color' face _GET 'face' hat _GET 'hat' echo ' img src avatar.php color color face face.. hat _GET 'hat' echo ' img src avatar.php color color face face hat hat ' Thanks for any help in advance. I can understand..
Is there any way to integrate OpenCV with PHP? can This one looks decent. http project php facedetect I know it's specific to face detaction but could be a.. project php facedetect I know it's specific to face detaction but could be a good start point for you . Will only..
Facebook PHP SDK getSession() fails to get session. Cookie problem? which instantiates the Facebook class and calls facebook getSession This returns a valid Facebook session and we.. in home page What doesn't work Any time after that the facebook getSession returns NULL. No matter what. According to the.. so I can look elsewhere. Appreciate any insights. php facebook session cookies sdk share improve this question I had..
How to convert text to SVG paths? used and don't want to reference it in SVG file so font face declarations can't be used here . Is it possible php text svg.. horizAdvX z getAttribute 'horiz adv x' if name 'font face' this unitsPerEm z getAttribute 'units per em' this ascent..
How to get user timezone using jquery? and I am kinda new to php mysql . The only hurdle you will face after getting this code working on your html page will likely..
Cakephp 2.1 naming convensions issue in version change URL obviously will throw an error. Is anyone there who has face the same issue Is there any solution that cake bake also use..