php Programming Glossary: familiar
php soap client for uk mail webservice api? language. 2. WSDL document and XML Schemas If You're not familiar with C# or Java You can always examine the WSDL document by..
PHP PDO and MySQLi [duplicate] already used to from the mysql extension. If you're not familiar with OOP that's helpful. Otherwise PDO is a nice object oriented..
How to get email and their attachments from PHP the easiest thing for users would be to let them use a familiar interface their email and just have them send in the pictures..
How to become an OpenCart guru? for beginners This guide is written for developers already familiar with PHP OOP and the MVC architecture In the following you'll.. a view is a little should be easy to understand if you're familiar with the extract method which converts each key into a variable...
Form inside of $.load not posting correctly jquery html post share improve this question Are you familiar with AJAX Forgive me if you know this already but in case you..
Robust and Mature HTML Parser for PHP [duplicate] across the Internet. YQL statements have a SQL like syntax familiar to any developer with database experience. ScraperWiki . ScraperWiki's..
What kinds of patterns could I enforce on the code to make it easier to translate to another programming language? starting with some piece of technology with which they are familiar that does a part of the job. Python ASTs are great example ...
How do you parse and process HTML/XML in PHP? across the Internet. YQL statements have a SQL like syntax familiar to any developer with database experience. ScraperWiki . ScraperWiki's..
Base64 Encoding Image so how can I base 64 encode the favicon I have I am only familiar with PHP php encoding base64 opensearch share improve this..
How to parse HTML with PHP? [duplicate] across the Internet. YQL statements have a SQL like syntax familiar to any developer with database experience. ScraperWiki . ScraperWiki's..
Regex / DOMDocument - match and replace text not in a link to use DOMDocument in this instance. I'm not at all familiar with the DOMDocument extension and would really appreciate some..
Send file via cURL from form POST in PHP this server side and send along with a cURL request. I'm familiar with sending POST requests with cURL with a data array and resources..
Absolutely basic PHP question about the “-> ” syntax a method or a field belonging to an object and if you're familiar with C or Java it's equivalent to myObject.myField share improve..
PHP function to evaluate string like “2-1” as arithmetic 2-1=1 have my class in it here are some other options. I am just familiar with my own since I've been using it for 8 years. ^^ Wolfram..
What's the deal with a leading underscore in PHP class methods? me that maybe it originates somewhere a language I'm not familiar with or that there may be good reasoning behind it that I would..
Debug a DOMDocument Object in PHP needed. So here we go. First of all you might not be familiar with iterators in PHP. That's no deal to make use of the code..
To Use a PHP Framework or Not? [closed] writing a few applications in PHP and I'm becoming more familiar with the language. Someone told me about CakePHP and CodeIgniter...
String to byte array in php which can contain numbers letters and so on If you are familiar with Java I am looking for the same functionality of the getBytes..
Convert a PHP script into a stand-alone windows executable rapidly develop Windows GUI applications by employing the familiar PHP web paradigm. You can use the same code for online and Windows..