php Programming Glossary: fail
Performance of try-catch in php catching an exception. If exceptions are only thrown in failure cases you almost certainly don't care about performance since.. certainly don't care about performance since you won't fail very many times per execution of your program. If you're failing.. very many times per execution of your program. If you're failing in a tight loop a.k.a banging your head against a brick wall..
Secure random number generation in PHP attempt to access CAPICOM in your code though each will fail silently on the other's platform. Leave them both there so your..
How to 'insert if not exists' in MySQL? a unique constraint on a field guarantee the insert will fail if it's already there It seems that with merely a constraint..
How do I insert NULL values using PDO? Here's the problem PDO PARAM_NULL null '' all of them fail and throw this error Fatal error Cannot pass parameter 2 by..
codeigniter multiple file upload image dimensions within the allowed size Note This can fail if the server has an open_basdir restriction. if CI upload is_allowed_dimensions.. configurations we'll attempt to use copy first. If that fails we'll use move_uploaded_file . One of the two should reliably..
How should I ethically approach user password storage for later plaintext retrieval? for their financial demise if my DB security procedures fail for some reason. Morally and ethically I feel responsible for..
Opening/closing tags & performance? Because they are always impressed with trifle things and fail to see a real important things. Just because lack of experience...
UTF-8 BOM signature in PHP files ancient editors see your name written funny. There is no fail safe way. The BOM is definitely bad because of the headers already..
PHP + MySQL transactions examples or something in header.php that if one mysql_query fails then the others fail too I think I have figured it out is it.. header.php that if one mysql_query fails then the others fail too I think I have figured it out is it right mysql_query SET.. a transaction db beginTransaction A set of queries if one fails an exception should be thrown db query 'first query' db query..
What kinds of patterns could I enforce on the code to make it easier to translate to another programming language? with long time delays high costs and often outright failure. . What you have to shoot for to translate large scale systems..
Grabbing the href attribute of an A element on a page. my regex is a s ^ href ' ^ ' ^ . a but seems to fail at a title this href that what a How would I change my regex..
Why don't PHP attributes allow functions? After recompiling PHP the sample script would no longer fail with that syntax error. Instead it would fail with the compile.. no longer fail with that syntax error. Instead it would fail with the compile time error Invalid binding type . Since the..
How can I run a PHP script in the background after a form is submitted? anomalies will not be apparent to them This script cannot fail. But what if I can run this script as a background process So..
Prevent sent emails treated as junk mails using php mail function if mail toUser subject body headers echo sent else echo failed Well of course I use a valid email address for sender and.. that yahoo uses domainkeys verification which will likely fail for your application given that the mail is not actually coming..
PHP messing with HTML Charset Encoding get UTF 8 text encoding from MySQL or XML would typically fail. To solve this problem you must keep control on input ecodings..
How to make a redirect in PHP? only work before anything is written out. They usually fail if invoked inmidst HTML output. Then you might use a HTML header..
Headers already sent by PHP be invoked before any output is made . Otherwise the call fails Warning Cannot modify header information headers already sent.. line 100 refers to the script where the header invocation failed. The message in the inner parenthesis is more crucial. It.. output still. So when header Location ... redirects fail siliently it's good to probe for warnings. Reenable them with..
Parsing Huge XML Files in PHP function parse fh fopen this _file r if fh die Epic fail n while feof fh data fread fh 4096 xml_parse this _parser..
when is eval evil in php? unsafe input. Passing an untrusted parameter is a way to fail. It is often not a trivial task to make sure that a parameter..
Dynamic Facebook og Meta Tags in Wordpress PHP _SERVER 'REQUEST_URI' ' function response if response FAIL GRACEFULLY alert 'Error occurred No Response' else if response.error.. alert 'Error occurred No Response' else if response.error FAIL GRACEFULLY alert 'Error occurred ' response.error else SUCCESS..
Efficient way to determine the outcome of test matrix it would PASS M2 F T T F T For this Matrix row it would FAIL M3 F F T T T For this Matrix row it would PASS M4 T F F F F.. it would PASS M5 T T F F F For this Matrix row it would FAIL I only care about the horizontal validation tests the vertical.. it would PASS M2 F T T F T F For this Matrix row it would FAIL M3 F F T T T P For this Matrix row it would PASS M4 T F F F..
How do I verify a TLS SMTP certificate is valid in PHP? and for legitimate reasons. print Test 1 . match1 PASSED FAILED . n match2 false domain explode '.' server array_shift domain.. large ISPs and Google fail. print Test 2 . match2 PASSED FAILED . n On the other hand if you have a PASS on a server you use.. have a PASS on a server you use it's unlikely to become a FAIL anytime soon. End of maybe they help maybe they don't checks...
Where should form validation occur in a MVC project? return looks like this ON SUCCESS array 'success' true ON FAIL array 'success' false errors I can't help but think this is..
PHP Curl Paypal Sandbox h2 Thank you for your purchase h2 else if strcmp lines 0 FAIL 0 echo h2 Sorry something went wrong h2 log for manual investigation..
jQuery Ajax on Different Port PHP user _GET username if user lazy echo SUCESS else echo FAIL I have googled abit JSONP came out mostly. Any idea how to convert.. response array message SUCESS else response array message FAIL echo callback . . json_encode response . Then you can use it..
How do I construct a cross database query in PHP? this newfound knowledge in PHP he found his best friend FAIL waiting for him. I took a look at mysql_select_db for PHP. This..
PHP: find two or more numbers from a list of numbers that add up towards a given amount
Suggestions for (semi) securing high-scores in Flash/PHP game is a match it allows the high score to be entered else FAIL. I know this isn't a foolproof solution but would this be acceptable..
Comparing passwords with crypt() in PHP salt_crypt crypt salt if crypt user_input salt password FAIL WONT WORK if crypt user_input salt_crypt password I HAVE TO..
Unique key generation are long and cannot be shrunk. If you only use part you FAIL . At least part of the number is sequentially generated off..
Split string by delimiter, but not if it is escaped this question Use dark magic array preg_split '~ . SKIP FAIL ~s' string . matches a backslash followed by a character SKIP.. string . matches a backslash followed by a character SKIP FAIL skips it and matches your delimiter. share improve this answer..
PHP Displaying unread mail count n else exit Can't connect . imap_last_error . n echo FAIL n if hdr imap_check mbox msgCount hdr Nmsgs echo Ci sono . msgCount...
How to POST backbone model data to DB through Slim php and Paris response error function model response console.log 'FAIL ' console.log response Now when I run backbone's save I still.. I still get the 500 Error but also XMLHttpRequest as my FAIL response. The only remarkable clue from the XMLHttpRequest is.. _POST It returns to me an empty array. Still gives me the FAIL. If I do THIS however... echo json_encode _POST It gives me..
Creating a thumbnail from an uploaded image ' imgData' insert the image if mysql_query sql echo Fail. It broke. else c mysql_query sql2 echo script parent.alert..
execute sql query from sql file
Video thumbnail null echo Thumbnail file is Thumbnail n else echo Fail creating a Thumbnail of FileName . This function also cache..
How to password protect streaming videos with php header 'X sendfile path to file' else header 'HTTP 1.1 403 Fail ' Lighttpd also has a neat module called mod_secure_download..
PHP/MySQL with encoding problems with the encodings however htmlentities à iacute Good Fail is outputing Fail where htmlentities à Atilde shy Good Fail.. however htmlentities à iacute Good Fail is outputing Fail where htmlentities à Atilde shy Good Fail But htmlentities search.. is outputing Fail where htmlentities à Atilde shy Good Fail But htmlentities search null utf 8 works as expected. I want..
How to send email from PHP without SMTP server installed?
AES encrypt in Node.js Decrypt in PHP. Fail. encrypt in Node.js Decrypt in PHP. Fail. In node.js I use the build in function to encrypt data like..
Kohana ORM and Validation, having problems this request uri catch ORM_Validation_Exception e Fail errors e errors 'brand' And in my view php if errors display..