php Programming Glossary: fair
How to successfully rewrite old mysql-php code with deprecated mysql_* functions? characters. Cheers __destruct The destructor. Let's be fair MySQL did not need this as well. However with PDO we get it..
Server Side PHP Long polling to stop extensive calls to my server. I suspect there is a fair few people on here that have experience with making calls to..
How to render ZF2 view within JSON response? @DrBeza the work needed to be done could be reduced by a fair amount. Now as I'd initially wanted we will grab the viewrenderer..
Is there a PDF parser for PHP? [closed] etc . Let those classes parse for you. There will be a fair bit of repetition in there but you'll save yourself in the end..
How unique is the php session id the probability is very low. If you have a website with a fair traffic it may happens once in you web site life and will just..
Execute a PHP file, and return the result as a string file but it seems rather slow and clunky adding quite a fair amount of time to the execution of the page which I would imagine..
Preventing PHP Code from being Pirated Yes I could have pirated them. No I did not because I am a fair person a fair client and I recognize and approve what is fair.. pirated them. No I did not because I am a fair person a fair client and I recognize and approve what is fair and what is.. person a fair client and I recognize and approve what is fair and what is not with my money. Be fair with your client they..
Fetching mail from a POP3 server using php 110 pop3 INBOX user_id password Other than that it's fair sailing you won't need more than imap_open imap_num_msg imap_body..
How does Linux determine the next PID? entirely sequential. If I do a ps aux grep apache I get a fair number of processes How does Linux choose this next number The..
Should I use EAV model? and So keeping in mind there will be a fair bit of querying I don't think it's practical to implement Class..
Is “filter input, escape output” still valid with PDO and are totally unrelated to SQL Injection although a fair number of developers still confuse filtering with escaping for..
Extract URL from string share improve this question John Gruber has spent a fair amount of time perfecting the one regex to rule them all for..
Sending basic authentication information via form authentication share improve this question After a fair bit of research I found a way that works in both Chrome and.. other than simply explaining the link here's a hopefully fairly transparent implementation using jQuery document .ready function..
What are some of Drupal's shortcomings? [closed] patches with each new official Drupal release . But to be fair you should have seen how bad it was in Drupal 4. I'm also annoyed..
.NET & ASP vs PHP [closed] Biased towards PHP Apache MySQL. It looks like there's a fair amount of .NET and ASP folk around here so I figured it's worth..
Is closing the mysql connection important? by explicitly calling mysql_close . If your script has a fair amount of processing to perform after fetching the result and..
Is APC compatible with PHP 5.4 or PHP 5.5? adding PHP 5.5 compatibility in addition to resolving a fair number of other bugs . Still beta 2012 09 03 APC 3.1.13 is available..
HTML2PDF in PHP - convert utilities & scripts - examples & demos with one basic table etc. No chance to get them to produce fair results on complex docs with design elements css multiple overlapping..