php Programming Glossary: farther
CRUD for MySQL and PHP ORM Framework Doctrine is really great. If you want to go farther than just DB access you might take a look at the PHP FRamework..
How do I check if a longitude/latitude point is within a range of coordinates? through all adjacent polygon vertex pairs we iterate i one farther than the size of the array because we need to test the segment..
Displaying table data column-wise in a while loop for the interface you're using so I can't help you any farther than this. Using output buffering on the first row of results..
Mysql transactions within transactions done a COMMIT before executing the statement. And a bit farther in the page Transaction control and locking statements. BEGIN..
How to bind an arbitrary number of values to a prepared statement in mysqli? contains the news URL and the title. I'd like to expand it farther to pass along each article link and parse the content of the..
Why is unserialize_callback_func needed when spl_autoload_register is already used? properly i.e. we get an instance of a Going a bit farther let's try what we can get when both Setting an autoload function..
How can I access an object attribute that starts with a number? article that shows a couple of other possiblities and goes farther than the examples I posted here PHP Variable Names Curly Brace..
PHP Thumbnail Image Resizing with proportions without any distortion or it would have to shrink it farther and letterbox it but that should get you started nicely. Letterboxing..
Using SEO-friendly links better because the semantic content free numeric ID is farther to the right in the URL. What I would do is store a unique slug..