php Programming Glossary: faking
Create a progress bar on $.ajax call are just about showing a placeholder image or text or just faking it here's how you could do it just a description no code but..
Hunting cheaters in a voting competition detected very easy to circumvent HTTPS One method of vote faking is to capture the http request from a valid browser like Firefox..
secure sessions/cookies in php syntax prevent session hijacking i.e. somebody else faking an existing session storing into _SESSION something that identifies..
Authenticate user for is going to be lightning fast AWESOME . Right now I am faking the PHP communication from redis cli Install Redis Download..
How to develop by faking login to test ACLs in Symfony 2 to develop by faking login to test ACLs in Symfony 2 I am developing a part of a.. developing taking considerations ACL by passing or faking a login In the docs login_check does the authentication and.. try to clarify a bit more what you mean by passing or faking a login A concrete example to plant a security token in a test..