php Programming Glossary: fatal_error
Unable to wrap text in an image image code is php clean up the input if empty _GET 'date' fatal_error 'Error No text specified.' date Date F d Y h i A now name html_entity_decode.. ' email html_entity_decode _GET 'dob' .' ' if empty date fatal_error 'Error Text not properly formatted.' customizable variables.. 4096 check for GD support if function_exists 'ImageCreate' fatal_error 'Error Server does not support PHP image generation' check font..
PHP and the goto statement to be added in PHP 5.3 debugging and unexpected situations. Kinda like goto fatal_error and have the fatal_error part of your code do some things to.. situations. Kinda like goto fatal_error and have the fatal_error part of your code do some things to show you in depth results...