php Programming Glossary: falls
mysql_connect (localhost / slow on Windows platform address and so once PHP fails to open the connection it falls back and tries to open localhost via IPv4 aka I personally..
parsing raw email in php comes along and my whole parser fails and the project falls apart. And before I get pointed at PEAR PECL I need actual code...
Secure login: public key encryption in PHP and Javascript changes the messages on their route your whole security falls apart. So my advice would be to just stick with the solution..
How to continuously keep the number of bcrypt rounds relevant to the current year's hardware? as safe for checking passwords hashes and 13 rounds falls around that mark on my current hardware . Does that sound reasonable..
Force freeing memory in PHP always growing it reports rapid growth. As each allocation falls at the end of the currently used memory block. share improve..
Best way to parse RSS/Atom feeds with PHP with PHP I'm currently using Magpie RSS but it sometimes falls over when the RSS or Atom feed isn't well formed. Are there..
Is XMLReader a SAX parser, a DOM parser, or neither? goals and intent then the answer to your question falls squarely into the neither category. share improve this answer..
str_replace within certain html tags only appears in an important peice of code then the whole thing falls to bits. Is there any way to only apply the str_replace function..
Calculate business days interval is within a week in the second case the interval falls in two weeks. if the_first_day_of_week the_last_day_of_week..
How to efficiently find the closest locations nearby a given location statement. This is effectively our box and anything that falls outside of that is automatically discarded without any need..
distance calculations in mysql queries statement. This is effectively our box and anything that falls outside of that is automatically discarded without any need..
how to test php email using WAMP I can't however test the PHP mail function as it always falls over. Is this something that can be rectified exact message..
Sending images from Canvas elements using Ajax and PHP $_FILES can't decode save and alter 'tmp_name' accordingly as it falls foul of security checks. So I found this http
PHP x86 How to get filesize of >2GB file without external program? . If that fails it tries COM if on Windows and finally falls back to filesize . The original function can be found here index.php..
How can I change the page URL without refreshing the page? Replaces the URL of the page without a reload and falls back to Hashchange on older browsers. dojo toolkit Dojo saves..
How do I detect non-ASCII characters in a string? I found it more useful to detect if any character falls out of the list if preg_match ' ^ x20 x7f ' string share improve..
PHP Bcrypt hashing hashing securely. If you absolutely can't upgrade phpass falls back to older hashing schemes but it's still more secure than..
Best way to populate a <SELECT> box with TimeZones loses not only DST info but the actual dates that the DST falls on . In the end I'll need a select with options containing the..
How can I get the user's IP address in PHP? [duplicate] what we current use however in over 20 of kits the server falls through to the unknown case and has nothing in the _SERVER var...
How to check if a date is in a given range? and end_date how can you check if a date given by the user falls within that range e.g. start_date '2009 06 17' end_date '2009..