php Programming Glossary: facebook's
How to renew/extend facebook access tokens with PHP? have a token stored for them. What code would you use with Facebook's PHP library to renew that token php facebook share improve..
How to change the Go to App button? . php facebook share improve this question Check out Facebook's Actions and Objects . Define Objects Define Actions Define Aggregations..
Convert Array to Object PHP an array like this to object 128 Array status Figure A. Facebook's horizontal scrollbars showing up on a 1024x768 screen resolution...
Can I use Facebook's hiphop with frameworks like Zend Framework, cakephp, symfony I use Facebook's hiphop with frameworks like Zend Framework cakephp symfony ..
Lightweight PHP5 based template class/system Or if you feel experimental have a look at XHP Facebook's extension approach to a Template engine http
Upload Photo To Album with Facebook's Graph API Photo To Album with Facebook's Graph API I'm trying to familiarize myself with Facebook's.. Graph API I'm trying to familiarize myself with Facebook's new Graph API and so far I can fetch and write some data pretty..
Exception when uploading photo with Facebook Graph API ch CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS args data curl_exec ch Compared with Facebook's PHP SDK curl which looks like this using the same args and url..
How to check if user is logged in with new facebook php api returned do you do the redirect According to comments in Facebook's example even if you get a session back you can't assume it's..
Getting list of Facebook friends with latest API called the 'graph API' though I'm not sure . I've adapted Facebook's example code to let me connect to Facebook and that works.....
Displaying Facebook in an Iframe on my website Facebook in an Iframe on my website I want to Display Facebook's Webpage on my site html body iframe src http
PHP SDK 3.1.1 getUser() sometimes return 0 improve this question It's more than likely something on Facebook's end devs have gone through this before a while back . If user..
Any way to unfriend or delete a friend using Facebook's PHP SDK or API? way to unfriend or delete a friend using Facebook's PHP SDK or API I want to be able to authenticate the user list..
Is Quercus a viable replacement for PHP in Java environments? since we didn't know what else would work. It also meant Facebook's PHP library wouldn't work right most likely . If you do a lot..
Check if page tab app is still installed improve this question From my testing and according to Facebook's documentation you don't need a user's access token to check..
update database when a user shared a link to facebook api share improve this question Update Aug 21 2013 Facebook's api has changed since the time this was originally posted. The..
How to extend access token validity since offline_access deprecation Since the offline_access Permission is deprecated in Facebook's Authentication flow we have problem geting the so called long.. long lived access tokens without that permission. In Facebook's document about the deprecation it says that server side OAuth..
Is it possible to wrap PHP/MySQL application in binary that can work as stand alone application? for Windows Other options available for non Windows HPHP Facebook's HipHop https facebook hiphop php wiki https
Using Facebook PHP-SDK 3.x to register/login user with Codeigniter 2.1.0 to the members page. This is my code so far taken from Facebook's PHP SDK example . When I run the signup script the page shows..