java Programming Glossary: maxoccurs
XSD for having 2 root elements (1 at a time) sequence xs element name book type bookType minOccurs 0 maxOccurs unbounded xs sequence xs complexType xs element and then xs.. sequence xs element name book type bookType minOccurs 0 maxOccurs unbounded xs sequence xs complexType xs element xs element..
How to represent null value as empty element with JAXB? My XSD structure is like the below element name XYZDate maxOccurs 1 minOccurs 1 nillable true type date When I set the null value..
Dynamic java bean from xsd xs complexType xs sequence xs element minOccurs 1 maxOccurs 1 ref tns widgetEventDescriptor xs element minOccurs 0 maxOccurs.. 1 ref tns widgetEventDescriptor xs element minOccurs 0 maxOccurs unbounded ref tns widgetParameter xs sequence xs complexType..
How do you customize how JAXB generates plural method names? xs element name Physician type physician minOccurs 0 maxOccurs unbounded xs sequence xs complexType The generated Java code.. xs element name Physician type physician minOccurs 0 maxOccurs unbounded xs annotation xs appinfo jaxb property name physicians..
Using JAXB generated class for an element that requires an integer with a pattern xs sequence xs element name Code type NumberCodeValueType maxOccurs unbounded xs sequence xs complexType Where NumberCodeValueType..
Can Castor handle class generation from multiple XSDs importing from a base XSD? request complexType sequence element ref prod product maxOccurs unbounded sequence complexType element schema When we generate..
How to query a web service via POST request in Android? sequence element name Version type ows VersionType maxOccurs unbounded sequence complexType so AcceptVersionsType has an.. sequence element name Section type string minOccurs 0 maxOccurs unbounded sequence complexType SectionsType has an element of.. element name OutputFormat type ows MimeType minOccurs 0 maxOccurs unbounded sequence complexType AcceptFormatsType has an element..
What is an .episode file..? request complexType sequence element ref prod product maxOccurs unbounded sequence complexType element schema When we generate..